Interface ILcdGML3Curve

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdGML3AbstractCurve, ILcdGML3AbstractGeometricPrimitive, ILcdGML3AbstractGeometry, ILcdGML3AbstractGML, ILcdGML3SrsInformationGroup, ILcdGML3SrsReferenceGroup, ILcdGML3StandardObjectProperties

public interface ILcdGML3Curve extends ILcdGML3AbstractCurve
This class has been deprecated. The GML decoders and encoders in the com.luciad.format.gml3.* packages are replaced by new decoders and encoders in the packages com.luciad.format.gml2.xml, com.luciad.format.gml31.xml and com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.
Interface for the gml:CurveType type.

Curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system.

A curve is composed of one or more curve segments. Each curve segment within a curve may be defined using a different interpolation method. The curve segments are connected to one another, with the end point of each segment except the last being the start point of the next segment in the segment list.

(GML Specification, v3.1.0, paragraph

  • Method Details

    • getSegments

      Returns the curve segment array containing the segments of this curve.
      the curve segment array containing the segments of this curve.
    • setSegments

      void setSegments(ILcdGML3CurveSegmentArrayProperty aSegments)
      Sets the curve segment array containing the segments of this curve.
      aSegments - the curve segment array containing the segments of this curve.