LuciadCPillar can format point locations as strings in a number of output formats. This can be useful to display the map position of the mouse cursor on the map, for example.

Longitude-latitude coordinate formatting

You can use the LonLatFormatLonLatFormatLonLatFormat to format points to longitude-latitude coordinates.

A pattern string determines the formatting of the coordinates:

Program: Use a LonLatFormatLonLatFormatLonLatFormat to format points to LonLat strings.
LonLatFormat lonLatFormat{"lon(+DMS), lat(+DMS)"};
Coordinate coordinate{-123.456, 7.89};
std::string result = lonLatFormat.format(coordinate);
LonLatFormat lonLatFormat = new LonLatFormat("lon(+DMS), lat(+DMS)");
Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(-123.456, 7.89);
string result = lonLatFormat.Format(coordinate);
LonLatFormat lonLatFormat = new LonLatFormat("lon(+DMS), lat(+DMS)");
Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(-123.456, 7.89);
String result = lonLatFormat.format(coordinate);

Other coordinate formatting

MgrsFormatMgrsFormatMgrsFormat formats points as MGRS or UTM/UPS coordinates. It can also parse MGRS or UTM/UPS strings into points.

See Formatting and parsing points to/from MGRS for more information.