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  • Data for Health: Analyzing Hepatitis C (HCV) migration in space and time with LuciadRIA

    In this video, we demonstrate the tool developed for the University of Leuven, Department of Microbiology and Immunology to visualize, analyze and filter phylogenetic trees on a geographic map and time filter. Using the tool, viral lineages that migrate geographically are represented by jumping lines on the upper panel. The visualization is simulated over time, using a fixed window of time as a filter. The length of a jump on the map, is inversely proportionate to the length of the branch in the phylogenetic tree. That is, longer geographic jumps on the map indicate branches that quickly traveled over large distances, while short jumps indicate branches that slowly traveled over relatively small distances. The timing of these jumps is indicated in the lower panel, which represents a timeline that plots new viral lineages over time. The colors in this timeline match the region of the same color on the geographic map. On the map, a darker color, indicates a larger viral lineage amount. Using the tool, we can apply a color filter on the branches of the tree. In this example, we color amino acid polymorphisms at position 80 of the HCV1 NS3 protein with value Q as red, and with value K as yellow. All other polymorphisms are colored blue.