Class ALcdOGCWMSCapabilities


public abstract class ALcdOGCWMSCapabilities extends Object
This class contains information about the capabilities of a Web Map Service. This includes:
  • General metadata
  • URL and output format information
  • Layer descriptions
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdOGCWMSCapabilities

      public ALcdOGCWMSCapabilities()
  • Method Details

    • getWMSRootNamedLayerCount

      public abstract int getWMSRootNamedLayerCount()
      Returns the number of top level ALcdWMSNamedLayer instances.
      the number of top level ALcdWMSNamedLayer instances.
    • getWMSRootNamedLayer

      public abstract ALcdWMSNamedLayer getWMSRootNamedLayer(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the top level layer at a given index.
      aIndex - the index of the top level layer.
      the top level layer at a given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of bounds.
    • getServerURL

      public abstract URL getServerURL()
      Returns the URL of the server.
      the URL of the server.
    • getGetMapURL

      public abstract String getGetMapURL()
      Returns the URL prefix for invoking a GetMap request.
      the URL prefix for invoking a GetMap request.
    • getSupportedMapFormatCount

      public abstract int getSupportedMapFormatCount()
      Returns the number of map formats supported by the WMS.
      the number of map formats supported by the WMS.
    • getSupportedMapFormat

      public abstract String getSupportedMapFormat(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the supported map format at an index. The format is specified by its MIME-type.
      aIndex - the index of the map format to return.
      the supported map format at a given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - in case of an invalid index.
    • getGetFeatureInfoURL

      public abstract String getGetFeatureInfoURL()
      Returns the URL prefix for invoking a GetFeatureInfo request. If the request is not support by the server, null is returned.
      the URL prefix for invoking a GetFeatureInfo request, or null if it is not supported.
    • getSupportedFeatureInfoFormatCount

      public abstract int getSupportedFeatureInfoFormatCount()
      Returns the number of feature info formats supported by the WMS.
      the number of feature info formats supported by the WMS.
    • getSupportedFeatureInfoFormat

      public abstract String getSupportedFeatureInfoFormat(int aIndex)
      Returns the supported feature info format at an index.
      aIndex - the index of the feature info format to return.
      the supported feature info format at an index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - in case of an invalid index.
    • getDescribeLayerURL

      public abstract String getDescribeLayerURL()
      Returns the URL prefix for invoking a DescribeLayer request. If the request is not support by the server, null is returned.
      the URL prefix for invoking a DescribeLayer request, or null if it is not supported.
    • getGetLegendGraphicURL

      public abstract String getGetLegendGraphicURL()
      Returns the URL prefix for invoking a GetLegendGraphic request. If the request is not support by the server, null is returned.
      the URL prefix for invoking a GetLegendGraphic request, or null if it is not supported.
    • getSupportedLegendGraphicFormatCount

      public abstract int getSupportedLegendGraphicFormatCount()
      Returns the number of legend graphic formats supported by the WMS.
      the number of legend graphic formats supported by the WMS.
    • getSupportedLegendGraphicFormat

      public abstract String getSupportedLegendGraphicFormat(int aIndex)
      Returns the supported legend graphic format at an index.
      aIndex - the index of the legend graphic format to return.
      the supported legend graphic format at an index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - in case of an invalid index.
    • getSupportedExceptionFormatCount

      public abstract int getSupportedExceptionFormatCount()
      Returns the number of exception formats supported by the WMS.
      the number of exception formats supported by the WMS.
    • getSupportedExceptionFormat

      public abstract String getSupportedExceptionFormat(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the supported exception format at an index.
      aIndex - the index of the exception format to return.
      the supported exception format at an index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - in case of an invalid index.
    • getWMSService

      public abstract ALcdOGCWMSService getWMSService()
      Returns an ALcdOGCWMSService instance that contains general information about the WMS.
      an ALcdOGCWMSService instance that contains general information about the WMS.
    • getVersion

      public abstract String getVersion()
      Returns the version of the WMS.
      the version of the WMS.
    • getUpdateSequence

      public abstract String getUpdateSequence()
      Returns the update sequence value of the WMS.
      the update sequence value of the WMS.
    • getOperationsMetadata

      public TLcdOWSOperationsMetadata getOperationsMetadata()
      Returns the operations metadata of the capabilities.

      Although the WMS capabilities schema for 1.3.0 and DTD for 1.1.1 do not use the ows:operationsMetadata XML element, the WMS operations element is mapped to TLcdOWSOperationsMetadata to make it easier to integrate with the existing OWS connection framework.

      A WMS operation can contain multiple "Format" elements. The values of these elements are stored as a parameter in the corresponding TLcdOWSOperation. This parameter can be recognized by its name "Format". The other elements of a WMS operation correspond directly with the properties of a TLcdOWSOperation.

      A TLcdOWSOperationsMetadata object containing the operations described in the capabilities.
      See Also: