Class TLspPaintRepresentation


public final class TLspPaintRepresentation extends Object
Identifies a single visual representation of an object. The two commonly used representations are the geometries of objects (BODY) and textual representations (LABEL).

Note that paint representations have a sort order property, which is used by TLspPaintingOrder to determine the order in which representations are painted in a view. This property can be used to insert custom new representations at the desired position in the paint cycle, without having to implement a new ILspPaintingOrder.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • BODY

      public static final TLspPaintRepresentation BODY
      Identifies all paint representations (regular, selected, edited) for the regular body or graphical representation of an object. The default sort order is 100.
    • LABEL

      public static final TLspPaintRepresentation LABEL
      Identifies all paint representations (regular, selected, edited) for the regular label or textual representation of an object. The default sort order is 200.
    • HANDLE

      public static final TLspPaintRepresentation HANDLE
      Identifies paint representations for the handles of an object that is being edited. The default sort order is 300.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static TLspPaintRepresentation getInstance(String aName, int aSortOrder)
      Returns the paint representation with the specified name and sort order.
      aName - the name of the paint representation
      aSortOrder - the sort order that can be used by ILspPaintingOrder
      the paint representation
    • getName

      public String getName()
      the unique name of this paint representation
    • getSortOrder

      public int getSortOrder()
      the sort order of this paint representation
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object