Interface ILcdVVXAxisRenderer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdVVXAxisRenderer
Renders decorations (e.g. icons and/or labels) on the X-axis.

Note that Y-axis labels are rendered by the grid renderer.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getHeight

      int getHeight(Graphics aGraphics, TLcdVVJPanel aVV)
      aGraphics - the graphics involved
      the amount of pixels required by this renderer
    • paintOnXAxis

      void paintOnXAxis(int[] aXLabelPositionArray, int aStartPointIndex, int aLength, Rectangle aBounds, Graphics aGraphics, TLcdVVJPanel aVV)
      aXLabelPositionArray - an array containing all the X-coordinates of the visible main profile points.
      aStartPointIndex - the index of the first visible main profile point.
      aLength - the number of visible main profile points, note here that aXLabelPositionArray.length must not be used. aLength should be used instead!
      aBounds - 1) the location of this rectangle (x,y) corresponds to the most left point on the lowest visible grid-line line. 2) the width corresponds to the whole width of the x-axis 3) the height corresponds to the distance between x-axis and the bottom of the graphics