Interface ILcdVVGridRenderer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdVVGridRenderer
Renders grid lines and ordinate labels (i.e. labels on the Y-axis).

Note that X-axis decorations are rendered by a separate X-axis renderer.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getOrdinateLabelWidth(double aMinOrdinateAlt, double aMaxOrdinateAlt, double aOrdinateStep, Graphics aGraphics)
    paintGridLine(Graphics aGraphics, int aX1, int aY1, int aX2, int aY2)
    Performs the rendering of a grid-line on the given Graphics.
    paintOrdinateLabel(double aValue, double aStep, Graphics aGraphics, int aX, int aY, int aWidth)
    Performs the rendering of a grid-label on the given Graphics.
    paintSubGridLine(Graphics aGraphics, int aX1, int aY1, int aX2, int aY2)
    Performs the rendering of a subgrid-line on the given Graphics.
  • Method Details

    • paintSubGridLine

      void paintSubGridLine(Graphics aGraphics, int aX1, int aY1, int aX2, int aY2)
      Performs the rendering of a subgrid-line on the given Graphics.
    • paintGridLine

      void paintGridLine(Graphics aGraphics, int aX1, int aY1, int aX2, int aY2)
      Performs the rendering of a grid-line on the given Graphics.
    • paintOrdinateLabel

      void paintOrdinateLabel(double aValue, double aStep, Graphics aGraphics, int aX, int aY, int aWidth)
      Performs the rendering of a grid-label on the given Graphics.
      aValue - The value to paint.
      aStep - How big is the step between each grid-line ( model values )
      aX - The screen's X-position.
      aY - The screen's Y-position (of the grid-line).
      aWidth - The amount of width available for the label.
    • getFontHeight

      int getFontHeight()
      The height of the font that the renderer is going to use when painting the ordinate-label.
    • getOrdinateLabelWidth

      int getOrdinateLabelWidth(double aMinOrdinateAlt, double aMaxOrdinateAlt, double aOrdinateStep, Graphics aGraphics)
      aMinOrdinateAlt - the value indicated by the lowest grid line
      aMaxOrdinateAlt - the value indicated by the highest grid line
      aGraphics - the Graphics the grid will be paint on
      The width in pixels that will be preserved for the ordinate label.