Class TLspNextCreateStepEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLspNextCreateStepEvent extends TLcdAWTEvent
A custom AWT event that indicates that the current create step can be stopped and the next, if any, can be started.

This event is typically used to replace a right- or double mouse click event. For example,during touch creation this event is useful to end a polyline or polygon creation or to advance to the next polygon when creating a complex polygon.

This event is generated for example when calling TLspCreateController.finish().

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLspNextCreateStepEvent

      public TLspNextCreateStepEvent(Object aSource, AWTEvent aLastEvent)

      Create a new TLspNextCreateStepEvent for the given component and event.

      Calling this is equivalent to calling

      TLspNextCreateStepEvent nextCreateStepEvent = new TLspNextCreateStepEvent(aSourceComponent, aLastEvent, true);
      aSource - the source(an AWT Component or a JavaFX Node) where the event originated.
      aLastEvent - the AWTEvent that was las associated with this handle event.
    • TLspNextCreateStepEvent

      public TLspNextCreateStepEvent(Object aSource, AWTEvent aLastEvent, boolean aFinish)

      Creates a new TLspNextCreateStepEvent for the given component and event.

      This constructor allows you to specify whether this event should result in the next step resulting in the current creation step being finished, or whether it should simply move to the next step in the same process.

      Example: If you are creating a complex polygon consisting of multiple polygons, setting finish to true will result in the current polygon finishing and the next polygon beginning. Setting the finish to false in the same scenario will result in the current polygon moving on to the next point within the same polygon.

      aSource - the source(an AWT Component or a JavaFX Node) where the event originated.
      aLastEvent - the AWTEvent that was las associated with this handle event.
      aFinish - true if the event should finish the current creation process in the hierarchy; false if it should simply proceed to the next step within the same creation process.
  • Method Details

    • getLastEvent

      public AWTEvent getLastEvent()
      Returns the last event this TLspNextCreateStepEvent was associated with.
      the last event.
    • isFinish

      public boolean isFinish()
      Whether or not the next create step event should result in finishing the current creation step process.
      true if the event should finish the current creation process in the hierarchy; false if it should simply proceed to the next step within the same creation process.