Interface ILcdGXYMultiLabelPriorityProvider

public interface ILcdGXYMultiLabelPriorityProvider
A provider of label priorities that is able to distinguish between an object's labels and sublabels.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getPriority(Object aObject, int aLabelIndex, int aSubLabelIndex, ILcdGXYContext aGXYContext)
    Returns the label priority for the given label, 0 being the highest priority, Integer.MAX_VALUE the lowest priority.
  • Method Details

    • getPriority

      int getPriority(Object aObject, int aLabelIndex, int aSubLabelIndex, ILcdGXYContext aGXYContext)
      Returns the label priority for the given label, 0 being the highest priority, Integer.MAX_VALUE the lowest priority. Negative values are not allowed. A label is identified by an object, a label index and a sublabel index.
      aObject - the object whose label priority is to be returned.
      aLabelIndex - the label index for which a label priority is to be returned.
      aSubLabelIndex - the sublabel index for which a label priority is to be returned.
      aGXYContext - the ILcdGXYContext the label priority will be used for.
      the label priority for the given label.