Interface TLcdExpressionFactory.AttributeValueProvider<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the values
Enclosing class:

public static interface TLcdExpressionFactory.AttributeValueProvider<T>
Can retrieve values from domain objects.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getValue(Object aDomainObject, Object aGeometry)
    Retrieves a value for the domain object for this attribute.
    default T
    getValue(Object aDomainObject, Object aGeometry, int aIndex)
    Retrieves a value for a point on an ILcdPolyline geometry of the domain object for this attribute.
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      T getValue(Object aDomainObject, Object aGeometry)
      Retrieves a value for the domain object for this attribute.
      aDomainObject - A domain object
      aGeometry - The geometry for the domain object, as specified by the style target provider.
      The value for the domain object for this attribute
    • getValue

      default T getValue(Object aDomainObject, Object aGeometry, int aIndex)
      Retrieves a value for a point on an ILcdPolyline geometry of the domain object for this attribute. This is used when the styling of an ILcdPolyline depends on a different attribute value per vertex of the line. For example timestamps on each point of the line that are used to determine the visibility. By default this method will delegate to getValue(Object, Object) and ignore the index parameter. This method will only be called for ILcdPolyline geometry.
      aDomainObject - the domain object
      aGeometry - The geometry for the domain object, as specified by the style target provider.
      aIndex - The point index on the line
      The value for the index on the polyline of the domain object for this attribute
      See Also: