Interface ILcdSelectionListener<T>

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdSelectionListener<T> extends EventListener, Serializable
An ILcdSelectionListener can be notified of selection changes in an ILcdSelection.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method will be called by an ILcdSelection when this ILcdSelectionListener has been registered to it, and when the selection state of some Object has changed in the ILcdSelection.
  • Method Details

    • selectionChanged

      void selectionChanged(TLcdSelectionChangedEvent<T> aSelectionEvent)
      This method will be called by an ILcdSelection when this ILcdSelectionListener has been registered to it, and when the selection state of some Object has changed in the ILcdSelection.
      aSelectionEvent - a TLcdSelectionChangedEvent detailing the changes in the selection.