Class TLcdBoundedCompositeViewshed

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdBoundedCompositeViewshed extends ALcdCompositeViewshed

A bounded object viewshed is a composite viewshed optimized for bounded objects.

Adding new viewsheds to this viewshed can be done using the addBoundedObject(com.luciad.shape.ILcdBounded, com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelModelTransformation, ILcdViewshed) method. The result of a getVisibility(com.luciad.shape.ILcdPoint) query will be the result of visibility queries for all added viewsheds through the ILcdVisibilityComposite visibility composite set by the ALcdCompositeViewshed.setComposite(com.luciad.tea.viewshed.ILcdVisibilityComposite) method.

To this respect, this viewshed should be used to composite viewsheds that represent separate objects, such as buildings. In this case, each building should be added individually, and the TLcdBoundedCompositeViewshed would represent the viewshed for a collection of buildings for the given ALcdViewshedObserver

Note: It is important that all added viewsheds be defined in the same reference and for the same observer in order for this viewshed to generate meaningful results.

Performance considerations: Using the addAllObjects(TLcdBoundedCompositeViewshed) can be greatly beneficial to performance. It is generally recommended to use a single bounded object viewshed per observer to achieve maximum performance.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getViewshedObserver

      public ALcdViewshedObserver getViewshedObserver()
      Returns the viewshed observer for this TLcdBoundedCompositeViewshed.
      A viewshed observer.
    • addAllObjects

      public void addAllObjects(TLcdBoundedCompositeViewshed aViewshed)
      Adds all the bounded objects from the given bounded object viewshed to this bounded object viewshed, effectively merging the two. Note that the two ALcdViewshedObserver must be equal in order for this method to work.
      aViewshed - A viewshed with bounded objects that should be added to this bounded object viewshed. The given viewshed must be defined for the same observer as this viewshed.
    • addBoundedObject

      public void addBoundedObject(ILcdBounded aBoundedObject, ILcdModelModelTransformation aTransformation, ILcdViewshed aViewshed)

      Adds a bounded object to this viewshed. The bounded object must be accompanied by a viewshed.

      Note: It is important that all viewsheds are defined in the same reference and for the same viewshed observer, namely the one returned by getViewshedObserver() for this class to generate meaningful results.

      aBoundedObject - The bounded object that is the cause for the viewshed, defined in the source reference of aTransformation.
      aTransformation - A transformation that can transform the bounded object to the reference of the this viewshed. The destination of this transformation must be the same for all added viewsheds.
      aViewshed - The viewshed that is the result of the bounded object, given in the destination reference of aTransformation and generated for the viewshed observer in getViewshedObserver().
    • getVisibility

      public double getVisibility(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdViewshed
      Returns the visibility of a given point.
      aPoint - The point to check visibility of. The point must be given in the reference in which the viewshed is defined.
      A double indicating the visibility of the point. This value will be bound between 0 and 1. 0 represents non-visible. 1 represents fully visible. Anything in between 0 and 1 is partially visible, depending on specific cases.
    • getReference

      public ILcdGeoReference getReference()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdViewshed
      Returns the reference in which this viewshed is defined.
      The reference in which viewshed is defined