Class ALcdNodeDistanceFunction<N,E>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class ALcdNodeDistanceFunction<N,E> extends Object implements ILcdDistanceFunction<N,E>
ALcdNodeDistanceFunction is an abstract class which can be used to implement distance functions that take only nodes into account, not edges preceding or succeeding the start- and/or endpoint.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdNodeDistanceFunction

      public ALcdNodeDistanceFunction()
      Constructs a new ALcdNodeDistanceFunction.
  • Method Details

    • computeDistance

      public final double computeDistance(ILcdGraph<N,E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N,E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N,E> aSucceedingRoute, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDistanceFunction
      Returns the distance between the end node of aPrecedingRoute and the start node of aSucceedingRoute.
      Specified by:
      computeDistance in interface ILcdDistanceFunction<N,E>
      aPrecedingRoute - the route whose end node is the first of the two nodes between which a distance is to be calculated. Only the last n edges of this route will have an influence on the result, where n is equal to the order of this distance function. The route should be completely contained in the given graph, otherwise the correct behavior of this method is not guaranteed.
      aSucceedingRoute - the route whose start node is the second of the two nodes between which a distance is to be calculated. Only the first n edges of this route will have an influence on the result, where n is equal to the order of this distance function. The route should be completely contained in the given graph, otherwise the correct behavior of this method is not guaranteed.
      aTraversalDirection - indicating whether the traversal direction should be forward or backward. If BACKWARD, the given routes will be traversed in opposite direction, and the preceding route becomes thus the succeeding route and vice versa.
      a double indicating the distance between the end node of aPrecedingRoute and the start node of aSucceedingRoute.
    • getOrder

      public final int getOrder()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDistanceFunction
      Returns the order of this function. The order of a distance function is the maximum number of edges preceding the start node or succeeding the end node, that are taken into account when calculating a distance.

      E.g. a simple cartesian distance function has order 0, because it doesn't use any other information than the distance between the endpoint of the preceding route and the start node of the succeeding route. Other, more complex functions can have a higher order.

      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface ILcdDistanceFunction<N,E>
      the order of this function.
    • computeDistance

      public abstract double computeDistance(ILcdGraph<N,E> aGraph, N aStartNode, N aEndNode, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection)
      Returns the distance between the two given nodes.
      aGraph - the graph in which the two nodes are contained.
      aStartNode - the first node.
      aEndNode - the second node.
      the distance from aStartNode to aEndNode.
      IllegalArgumentException - One or both of the nodes is/are not part of the given graph.
      NullPointerException - one of the arguments is null.