Interface ILcdShortestRouteDistanceTable<N>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdShortestRouteDistanceTable<N>
A table containing the shortest route distance between any pair two given nodes within a set of nodes. The partitioned shortest route algorithm and its preprocessor use distance tables to store precomputed routes within partitions. For each partition, a partitioned route distance table will be generated by the preprocessor, and is required by the partitioned shortest route algorithm.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getDistance(N aStartNode, N aEndNode)
    Returns the distance of the shortest route between the two given nodes in the direction indicated by their order.
    Returns all nodes contained in this distance table.
  • Method Details

    • getNodes

      Enumeration<N> getNodes()
      Returns all nodes contained in this distance table.
      all nodes contained in this distance table.
    • getDistance

      double getDistance(N aStartNode, N aEndNode)
      Returns the distance of the shortest route between the two given nodes in the direction indicated by their order. If no distance was set yet, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY will be returned.
      aStartNode - the first node.
      aEndNode - the second node.
      the value to be associated with the edge in that direction.
      NullPointerException - if one of the nodes is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if one of the nodes is not part of this graph.