Uses of Class

Packages that use TLcdModelMetadata
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 data types.
This package provides API for decoding and encoding AIXM 5.1 data from/to XML.
This package contains the classes that are needed to work with the Binz format.
Provides support for decoding CADRG files.
This package contains a model decoder for decoding point cloud data from E57 (.e57) files.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 2 data.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 3.1 data.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 3.2 data.
This package contains the classes that are needed to work with the IFC format.
This package and its subpackages provide a domain model for the KML 2.2 data format.
This package contains all feature classes of KML.
This package contains a model decoder for LASer (.las) and LASzip (.laz) files.
This package contains a model decoder capable of decoding data of files in accordance with the MGCP 2.0 Portrayal Standard.
Provides support for decoding NetCDF files.
This package contains a domain model to represent an NVG 1.4/1.5 data source.
This package contains a domain model to represent an NVG 2.0 data source.
Provides representations, decoders, and encoders for rasters.
This package contains the classes that are needed to work with the Revit format.
Handles the S-57 format.
Handles the S-63 format.
Handles the shp format.
Provides support for decoding USRP files.
Model interfaces
Client API for an OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS).