Package com.luciad.format.s63

package com.luciad.format.s63
Handles the S-63 format.

Requires JDK 1.4.

  • Class
    This ILcdModelDecoder decodes S-57 catalogues, encrypted according to the S-63 standard.
    This exception is thrown when the TLcdS63ModelDecoder/TLcdS63CatalogueModelDecoder is not able to decode a given ECDIS file.
    Type-safe enumeration representing the different errors that can occur during the decoding process.
    This ILcdModelDecoder decodes S-57 data, encrypted according to the S-63 standard (with extensions .000, .001,...).
    This ILcdModelDescriptor describes decoded S-63 models.
    An S-63 product configuration consists of an S-57 product configuration plus additional convenience factory methods for creation of preconfigured S-63 decoders and catalogue decoders.
    The equivalent decoder of TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder for S-57 data which is encrypted according to the S-63 standard.