Class TLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext


public final class TLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext extends Object

Container object around a TLspCustomizableStyle, which provides some extra contextual information.

An example use-case of this contextual information is an ILcyCustomizerPanel allowing to modify the contained TLspCustomizableStyle. It might be important for the customizer panel to know whether the style is used for the BODY or for the LABEL to adjust its title accordingly.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext

      public TLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext(TLspCustomizableStyle aStyle, TLspPaintRepresentation aPaintRepresentation, TLspPaintState aPaintState, ILspLayer aLayer)
      Create a new TLcyLspCustomizableStyleContext instance
      aStyle - The customizable style. Must not be null
      aPaintRepresentation - The paint representation for which aStyle is used. May be null when unknown
      aPaintState - The paint state for which aStyle is used. May be null when unknown
      aLayer - The layer from which the style is retrieved. May be null when unknown
  • Method Details

    • getStyle

      public TLspCustomizableStyle getStyle()
      Returns the customizable style instance. Will not be null
      the customizable style
    • getPaintRepresentation

      public TLspPaintRepresentation getPaintRepresentation()
      Returns the PaintRepresentation for which the style is used
      the PaintRepresentation for which the style is used. May be null when unknown
    • getPaintState

      public TLspPaintState getPaintState()
      Returns the PaintState for which the style is used
      the PaintState for which the style is used. May be null when unknown
    • getLayer

      public ILspLayer getLayer()
      Returns the layer using the style
      the layer using the style. May be null when unknown
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object