Class ALcyLspCameraLinker2D

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class ALcyLspCameraLinker2D extends ALcyCameraLinker

Implementation of ALcyLspCameraLinker, specifically meant to be used in combination with 2D Lightspeed views.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyLspCameraLinker2D

      public ALcyLspCameraLinker2D(ILcyLspMapComponent aMapComponent, Object[] aObjects, ILcdModel[] aModels)
      Create a new 2D camera linker, which is used to create and configure new tracking camera's.
      aMapComponent - The map component on which this linker will install tracking cameras.
      aObjects - The set of object that should be tracked by this camera linker.
      aModels - A set of models, denoting for each object of aObjects to which ILcdModel it belongs.
  • Method Details

    • linkTrackingCamera

      protected void linkTrackingCamera(Object[] aObjectsToTrack, ILcdModel[] aModelsToTrack, ILspView aView)

      Create and install a new tracking camera on the given view.

      aObjectsToTrack - The objects the camera should track.
      aModelsToTrack - The models of those objects.
      aView - The view which contains the currently installed camera.
    • unlinkTrackingCamera

      protected void unlinkTrackingCamera(Object[] aObjectsToTrack, ILcdModel[] aModelsToTrack, ILspView aView)
      Remove the currently installed tracking camera from the given view.

      aObjectsToTrack - The set of objects currently tracked by the tracking camera.
      aModelsToTrack - The models of those objects
      aView - The view on which the tracking camera is installed.
    • createTrackingPointProvider

      protected TLspModelElementTrackingPointProvider createTrackingPointProvider(Object[] aObjectsToTrack, ILcdModel[] aModelsToTrack, ILspView aView)

      Create a new tracking point provider, based on the given parameters.

      aObjectsToTrack - The objects which the tracking point provider should track.
      aModelsToTrack - The models of the objects which the tracking point provider should track.
      aView - The view which will be tracked using the tracking point provider returned by this method.
      A new tracking point provider
    • createCameraConstraint

      protected abstract ALspCameraConstraint<TLspViewXYZWorldTransformation2D> createCameraConstraint(TLspModelElementTrackingPointProvider aTrackingPointProvider, ILspView aView)

      Create a new camera constraint and return it. The constraint can be created based on the given parameters.

      Note that the constraint should not yet be installed on the given camera. Adding and eventually removing this constraint will be done afterwards.

      By default this method is called by linkTrackingCamera(Object[], ILcdModel[], ILspView), after a matching tracking point provider has been created.

      aTrackingPointProvider - The model element tracking point provider that should be used by the camera constraint.
      aView - The view which contains the currently installed, untracked camera.
      The camera constraint which has been placed on the view's camera.
    • isLinked

      public boolean isLinked()
      Description copied from class: ALcyCameraLinker
      Check if the camera is linked.
      Specified by:
      isLinked in class ALcyCameraLinker
      Whether or not the camera is linked.
    • isValidViewXYZWorldTransformation

      protected boolean isValidViewXYZWorldTransformation(ALspViewXYZWorldTransformation aTransformation)
      Determines if the linker is still valid for the given transformation. If not, the linker is unlinked
      aTransformation - transfo to check
      false if the linker should be unlinked
    • setLinked

      public void setLinked(boolean aLinked)
      Description copied from class: ALcyCameraLinker
      Link or unlink the camera.
      Specified by:
      setLinked in class ALcyCameraLinker
      aLinked - Whether or not to link the camera.
    • getTrackedObjects

      public Object[] getTrackedObjects()
      Return the objects which will be tracked by any camera installed by this linker object.
      The objects which will be tracked by any camera installed by this linker object.
    • getTrackedModels

      public ILcdModel[] getTrackedModels()
      Return the models to which the objects, which will be tracked by any camera installed by this linker object, belong to.
      The models to which the objects, which will be tracked by any camera installed by this linker object, belong to.