Interface ILcyMapManager

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public interface ILcyMapManager extends ILcdPropertyChangeSource
Manager of the ILcyMapComponents that currently exist. A map manager offers functionality to:
  • retrieve all existing maps,
  • listen to the creation of new maps,
  • listen for the removal of existing maps or
  • retrieve the active map.

Whenever a new ILcyMapComponent is created, it needs to be added to the ILcyMapManager. When a map is removed, it needs to be removed from the ILcyMapManager. The responsibility to do this belongs to whoever created or disposed the map, for example the TLcyMapAddOn.

Note that this map manager only deals with ILcyMapComponents, which are 2D. For other map components, refer to TLcyCombinedMapManager, or a specific TLcyGenericMapManager for the map component type you are interested in.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addMapManagerListener

      void addMapManagerListener(ILcyMapManagerListener aMapManagerListener)
      Adds the given ILcyMapManagerListener to this ILcyMapManager.
      aMapManagerListener - The listener to add.
    • removeMapManagerListener

      void removeMapManagerListener(ILcyMapManagerListener aMapManagerListener)
      Removes the given ILcyMapManagerListener to this ILcyMapManager.
      aMapManagerListener - The listener to remove.
    • getMapComponentCount

      int getMapComponentCount()
      Returns the number of currently existing ILcyMapComponents.
      the number of currently existing ILcyMapComponents.
    • getMapComponent

      ILcyMapComponent getMapComponent(int aIndex)
      Returns the ILcyMapComponent at the given index.
      aIndex - the index of the ILcyMapComponent to return.
      the ILcyMapComponent at the given index.
    • addMapComponent

      void addMapComponent(ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent)
      Adds the given map to this ILcyMapManager. Whenever a new ILcyMapComponent is instantiated, this method needs to be invoked. The responsibility to do this belongs to whoever created the map, for example the TLcyMapAddOn.
      aMapComponent - The ILcyMapComponent to add.
      See Also:
    • removeMapComponent

      void removeMapComponent(ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent)
      Removes the given map from this ILcyMapManager. Whenever a ILcyMapComponent is removed, this method needs to be invoked. The responsibility to do this belongs to whoever disposed the map, for example the TLcyMapAddOn.
      aMapComponent - The ILcyMapComponent to remove.
      See Also:
    • getActiveMapComponent

      ILcyMapComponent getActiveMapComponent()
      Returns null, or the active ILcyMapComponent. The active map is the one that the user is working on, or has recently worked on. The active map component is typically null if there are no maps.
      null, or the active ILcyMapComponent.
    • setActiveMapComponent

      void setActiveMapComponent(ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent)
      Sets the active map component. This property is typically set by the responsible for the maps, for example the TLcyMapAddOn, as the user starts working on a different map.

      Fires a property change event.

      aMapComponent - The active map component, or null.