Interface ILcdXLinkExpressionFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdAIXM51LinkExpressionFactory, TLcdXLinkExpressionFactory

public interface ILcdXLinkExpressionFactory

XLink provides access to the XLink evaluation environment and expressions.

This interface defines the contract how xlink:href attributes are interpreted and resolved into objects. These objects are then typically stored in the model to allow easy navigation across xlinks.

An ILcdXLinkExpressionFactory object is typically used during decoding. The resolution process happens in two phases. First, while the document is being decoded, xlink expressions are created for each href that is encountered. Expressions which will not be resolved immediately (these are expressions whose actuate is not AfterDecoding) are stored in the TLcdXLinkSimpleLink object. This enables applications to resolve the links manually. Then, after the entire document is decoded, the xlink expressions for which the actuate is AfterDecoding are evaluated and the resolved objects are stored as linked objects in the model.

  • Method Details

    • compile

      Compiles a given href attribute into an ILcdXLinkExpression. This method is typically called during decoding when an xlink:href attribute is encountered.

      If no expression can be created for the given href, null should be returned.

      aLink - the link for which an expression is to be created
      aDocumentContext - the document context in which the href is to be evaluated
      an expression that can be evaluated to resolve the xlink