Interface ILcdS57Identifier

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdS57EditableIdentifier, TLcdS57Identifier

public interface ILcdS57Identifier
This interface defines the link between S52 and S57. It contains an object class and a series of attributes.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the "Long Name" of this S-57 feature object.
    getS57Attribute(int aIndex)
    Gets the TLcdS57Attribute at a given index.
    Gets the number of TLcdS57Attributes stored in this identifier.
    Gets the TLcdS57Attribute that has the given code.
    Gets the object class.
    Returns whether the given identifier is similar to this identifier, meaning they have the same object class and attribute values, but that the given identifier can have more attributes than this one.
  • Method Details

    • getLongName

      long getLongName()
      Gets the "Long Name" of this S-57 feature object.

      The "Long Name" is also known as "feature object identifier", or LNAM. It is a representation of the FOID (Feature Object Identifier) fields.

      More specifically, it is a "binary concatenation" (FIDS << 48) | (FIDN << 16) | AGEN, where:

      • AGEN (Producing Agency)
      • FIDN (Feature Identification Number)
      • FIDS (Feature Identification Subdivision)

      The long name, or -1 if unknown
    • getS57ObjectClass

      int getS57ObjectClass()
      Gets the object class.
    • getS57AttributeCount

      int getS57AttributeCount()
      Gets the number of TLcdS57Attributes stored in this identifier.
    • getS57Attribute

      ILcdS57Attribute getS57Attribute(int aIndex)
      Gets the TLcdS57Attribute at a given index.
    • getS57AttributeForCode

      ILcdS57Attribute getS57AttributeForCode(int aCode)
      Gets the TLcdS57Attribute that has the given code.
    • isSimilar

      boolean isSimilar(ILcdS57Identifier aIdentifier)
      Returns whether the given identifier is similar to this identifier, meaning they have the same object class and attribute values, but that the given identifier can have more attributes than this one.