Class TLcdS52SLDSymbolizer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdS52SLDSymbolizer extends ALcdSLDSymbolizer
Symbolizer for expressing an S-52 styling configuration within an SLD Feature Type Style definition. This symbolizer can be used as an adapter between the S-52 and SLD API's: it allows to embed an S-52 TLcdS52DisplaySettings object within an SLD ALcdSLDSymbolizer, or, on XML level, to embed S-52 display settings within an <sld:Symbolizer/> element. Note that the SLD rendering engine of LuciadLightspeed does not support the visualization of this symbolizer; if an SLD feature type style is found to contain a TLcdS52Symbolizer, this should be visualized by creating an S-52 layer using com.luciad.format.s52.gxy.TLcdS52GXYLayerFactory or com.luciad.format.s52.lightspeed.TLspS52LayerBuilder.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdS52SLDSymbolizer

      public TLcdS52SLDSymbolizer()
      Creates a new, empty TLcdS52Symbolizer instance.
    • TLcdS52SLDSymbolizer

      public TLcdS52SLDSymbolizer(TLcdDataType aType)
      Creates a new, empty TLcdS52Symbolizer instance with the specified data type. This type should either be TLcdS52SLDDataTypes.S52SymbolizerType or a subtype hereof.
  • Method Details

    • getDisplaySettings

      public TLcdS52DisplaySettings getDisplaySettings()
      Returns the S-52 display settings of this symbolizer.
      the S-52 display settings of this symbolizer.
    • setDisplaySettings

      public void setDisplaySettings(TLcdS52DisplaySettings aDisplaySettings)
      Sets the S-52 display settings of this symbolizer.
      aDisplaySettings - the S-52 display settings of this symbolizer.