Class TLcdS52SLDDataTypes


public class TLcdS52SLDDataTypes extends Object
Data model and type definition for the S-52 TLcdS52Symbolizer class, in the '' namespace.

In order to encode a TLcdS52Symbolizer as XML, you can create an SLD XML encoder, and additionally configure the S-52 and S-52 SLD data models on it:

xmlEncoder.configure(TLcdS52DataTypes.getDataModel() xmlEncoder.configure(TLcdS52SLDDataTypes.getDataModel()

The XML schema definition (XSD) can be found in the resources of the ECDIS module, in com/luciad/format/s52/s52-sld.xsd.

  • Field Details

    • S52SymbolizerType

      public static final TLcdDataType S52SymbolizerType
      The 'S52SymbolizerType' data type, corresponding to the TLcdS52SLDSymbolizer class.
  • Method Details

    • getDataModel

      public static TLcdDataModel getDataModel()
      Returns the data model of the S-52/SLD domain model.
      the data model of the S-52/SLD domain model.