Interface ILcdS52FillStyle

public interface ILcdS52FillStyle
Style for filling S-57 objects according to the S-52 standard.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the color token for filling the object.
    Returns the pattern icon for filling the object.
    Returns the pattern image for filling the object.
    getImage(double aDPIScale)
    Returns the pattern image for filling the object by applying the given scale factor.
    Returns the secondary fill style.
    Returns the transparency for filling the object, ranging between 255 for fully opaque, and 0 for fully transparent.
  • Method Details

    • getColorToken

      String getColorToken()
      Returns the color token for filling the object. A color provider can convert a color token into an actual color.
    • getTransparency

      int getTransparency()
      Returns the transparency for filling the object, ranging between 255 for fully opaque, and 0 for fully transparent.
    • getImage

      BufferedImage getImage()
      Returns the pattern image for filling the object.
    • getImage

      default BufferedImage getImage(double aDPIScale)
      Returns the pattern image for filling the object by applying the given scale factor. Default implementation returns #getImage.
      aDPIScale - the DPI scale factor to be applied while generating the image
      See Also:
    • getIcon

      ILcdIcon getIcon()
      Returns the pattern icon for filling the object.
    • getSecondaryFillStyle

      ILcdS52FillStyle getSecondaryFillStyle()
      Returns the secondary fill style. If not null, it defines an additional fill style on top of this fill style.