Class ALcdOpenFlightSceneTraverser


public abstract class ALcdOpenFlightSceneTraverser extends Object
Abstract base class for traversing OpenFlight scene graphs.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdOpenFlightSceneTraverser

      public ALcdOpenFlightSceneTraverser()
  • Method Details

    • traverseSceneGraph

      public void traverseSceneGraph(ILcdOpenFlightNode aOpenFlightNode)
      Recursively traverses the given OpenFlight node. Traversal is interrupted when enterSubtree() returns false. Otherwise, traversal continues with the current node's children, and exitSubtree() will be called when the visitor arrives back at the current node.
      aOpenFlightNode - the node to be traversed
      See Also:
    • enterSubtree

      public abstract boolean enterSubtree(ILcdOpenFlightNode aOpenFlightNode)
      Visits the given OpenFlight node. After processing the given node, this method should return true if it wishes for traversal to continue with the node's children, or false if it wishes for traversal to end here and return immediately to the node's parent.
      aOpenFlightNode - the node to be visited
      true if traversal should continue with the node's children
    • exitSubtree

      public abstract void exitSubtree(ILcdOpenFlightNode aOpenFlightNode)
      Called after the given node and its children have been visited. This method will not be called if enterSubtree() returned false for this node.
      aOpenFlightNode - the node that has just been visited