Class TLcdOBJMeshDecoder

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdOBJMeshDecoder extends Object implements ILcdInputStreamFactoryCapable
A decoder for WaveFront OBJ files. This decoder creates an ILcd3DMesh object.

The decoder supports the following OBJ data constructs:

  • Vertices
  • Normal vectors
  • Texture coordinates
  • Faces
  • Groups
  • Material libraries
Other geometric data (e.g. lines, curves, surfaces) or non-geometric information (e.g. rendering attributes) are ignored.

A typical use-case is to use an OBJ file to style a point with a 3D icon. For data on a Lightspeed view, this is achieved by creating a TLsp3DIconStyle containing the OBJ icon. This icon style can then be used as style for your point. The creation of the icon style is illustrated in the following snippet:

   TLsp3DIconStyle iconStyle = TLsp3DIconStyle.newBuilder().icon( "iconFile.obj" ).build();
The LuciadLightspeed developer guide contains more information on how to use the created TLsp3DIconStyle in your layer factory.

Note that Lightspeed also supports the use of Collada data for 3D icons. See the package documentation of com.luciad.format.object3d for more information.