Class TLcdGDFFeatureKey


public class TLcdGDFFeatureKey extends Object
Immutable class representing the unique identifier of a feature, consisting of the section key, the feature category and the feature identifier. Note that the feature category is an essential part of the key: two features belonging to the same section but having different feature categories can have the same feature identifier.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static TLcdGDFFeatureKey getInstance(long aDatasetIdentifier, long aLayerIdentifier, long aSectionIdentifier, long aFeatureIdentifier, TLcdGDFFeatureCategory aFeatureCategory)
      Returns a feature key for the given set of identifiers that define the feature.
      aDatasetIdentifier - the unique identifier of the dataset to which the feature belongs.
      aLayerIdentifier - the identifier of the layer to which the feature belongs (unique within the dataset).
      aSectionIdentifier - the identifier of the section to which the feature belongs (unique within the layer).
      aFeatureIdentifier - the identifier of the feature (unique within the section's set of features that have the same feature category).
      aFeatureCategory - the feature category of the feature.
      a feature key with the given identifier set.
    • getInstance

      public static TLcdGDFFeatureKey getInstance(TLcdGDFSectionKey aSectionKey, long aFeatureIdentifier, TLcdGDFFeatureCategory aFeatureCategory)
      Returns a feature key for the given feature identifiers.
      aSectionKey - the section key of the section to which the feature belongs.
      aFeatureIdentifier - the identifier of the feature (unique within the section'samples set of features that have the same feature category).
      aFeatureCategory - the feature category of the feature.
      a feature key with the given identifier set.
    • getSectionKey

      public TLcdGDFSectionKey getSectionKey()
      Returns the section key of the feature.
      the section key of the feature.
    • getDatasetIdentifier

      public long getDatasetIdentifier()
      Returns the unique identifier of the dataset to which the feature belongs.
      the unique identifier of the dataset to which the feature belongs.
    • getLayerIdentifier

      public long getLayerIdentifier()
      Returns the unique identifier of the layer to which the feature belongs (unique within the dataset).
      the unique identifier of the layer to which the feature belongs (unique within the dataset).
    • getSectionIdentifier

      public long getSectionIdentifier()
      Returns the identifier of the section to which the feature belongs (unique within the layer).
      the identifier of the section to which the feature belongs (unique within the layer).
    • getFeatureIdentifier

      public long getFeatureIdentifier()
      Returns the identifier of the feature (unique within the section'samples set of features that have the same feature category).
      the identifier of the feature.
    • getFeatureCategory

      public TLcdGDFFeatureCategory getFeatureCategory()
      Returns the feature category of the feature.
      the feature category of the feature.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObject)
      Returns true if the given object is an instance of TLcdGDFFeatureKey whose identifiers and feature category are identical to the corresponding identifiers and feature category of this key, false otherwise.
      equals in class Object
      aObject - the object to be compared with.
      true if the given object is a feature key that identifies exactly the same feature as this one, false otherwise.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a general description of this feature key. The exact details of the representation are unspecified and are subject to change.
      toString in class Object
      a general description of this feature key.