Class TLcdDAFIFWaypointFeatureClassMapper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdDAFIFWaypointFeatureClassMapper extends TLcdWaypointFeatureClassMapper
This class keeps track of the Class objects of DAFIF specific features defined in the ILcdDAFIFWayPointFeature interface.

Since this class inherits from the TLcdWaypointFeatureClassMapper class, users can access more general waypoint features as well.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDAFIFWaypointFeatureClassMapper

      protected TLcdDAFIFWaypointFeatureClassMapper()
      Constructs a new TLcdDAFIFWaypointFeatureClassMapper object.

      The new instance will contain a feature class mapping for each feature in the ILcdDAFIFWayPointFeature interface.

      This protected constructor was added to allow users to make extensions of this class.

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static ILcdFeatureClassMapper getInstance()
      Returns a TLcdDAFIFWaypointFeatureClassMapper object.

      This method will always return the same instance. The returned instance will contain a feature class mapping for each feature in the ILcdDAFIFWayPointFeature interface.

      a TLcdDAFIFWaypointFeatureClassMapper object