Class TLcdDAFIFDecoderFactory


public class TLcdDAFIFDecoderFactory extends Object
This class provides methods to create DAFIF decoders for all kinds of domain objects.

You can specify an object of an implementation of the ALcdAISObjectFactory interface to be used by the decoders returned by this factory.

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static TLcdDAFIFDecoderFactory getInstance()
      Returns an instance of the TLcdDAFIFDecoderFactory.

      This instance will always be the same object.

      If no domainFactory has been specified, a TLcdAISLonLatHeightObjectFactory object will be used as default domainFactory.

    • setDomainFactory

      @Deprecated public void setDomainFactory(ALcdAISObjectFactory aDomainFactory)
      Specifies a domainFactory to be used by the decoders created by this factory.
      aDomainFactory - the domainFactory to be used by the decoders created by this factory
    • getDomainFactory

      @Deprecated public ALcdAISObjectFactory getDomainFactory()
      Returns the domainFactory to be used by the decoders created by this factory.
      the domainFactory to be used by the decoders created by this factory
    • setDataObjectFactory

      public void setDataObjectFactory(TLcdAISDataObjectFactory aFactory)
      Specifies the factory to be used by the decoders created by this factory.
      aFactory - the factory to be used by the decoders created by this factory
    • getDataObjectFactory

      public TLcdAISDataObjectFactory getDataObjectFactory()
      Returns the data object factory that is used by the decoders created by this factory.
      the data object factory that is used by the decoders created by this factory
      See Also:
    • createAerodromeDecoder

      public ILcdDAFIFDecoder createAerodromeDecoder()
      Creates an instance of the TLcdDAFIFAerodromeDecoder class.
      an instance of the TLcdDAFIFAerodromeDecoder class
    • createAirspaceDecoder

      public ILcdDAFIFDecoder createAirspaceDecoder()
      Creates an instance of the TLcdDAFIFAirspaceDecoder class.
      an instance of the TLcdDAFIFAirspaceDecoder class
    • createHeliportDecoder

      public ILcdDAFIFDecoder createHeliportDecoder()
      Creates an instance of the TLcdDAFIFHeliportDecoder class.
      an instance of the TLcdDAFIFHeliportDecoder class
    • createILSDecoder

      public ILcdDAFIFDecoder createILSDecoder()
      Creates an instance of the TLcdDAFIFILSDecoder class.
      an instance of the TLcdDAFIFILSDecoder class
    • createIndependentILSDecoder

      public ILcdDAFIFDecoder createIndependentILSDecoder()
      Creates an instance of the TLcdDAFIFIndependentILSDecoder class.
      an instance of the TLcdDAFIFIndependentILSDecoder class
    • createNavaidDecoder

      public ILcdDAFIFDecoder createNavaidDecoder()
      Creates an instance of the TLcdDAFIFNavaidDecoder class.
      an instance of the TLcdDAFIFNavaidDecoder class
    • createSpecialUseAirspaceDecoder

      public ILcdDAFIFDecoder createSpecialUseAirspaceDecoder()
      Creates an instance of the TLcdDAFIFSpecialUseAirspaceDecoder class.
      an instance of the TLcdDAFIFSpecialUseAirspaceDecoder class
    • createWaypointDecoder

      public ILcdDAFIFDecoder createWaypointDecoder()
      Creates an instance of the TLcdDAFIFWayPointDecoder class.
      an instance of the TLcdDAFIFWayPointDecoder class