Class TLcdASTERIXAltitudeRecordFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdASTERIXAltitudeRecordFilter extends Object implements ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter

Implementation of ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter that can filter out records below a specified minimum altitude or above a certain maximum altitude.

The range of the filter is inclusive. This means that records with an altitude exactly equal to the minimum or maximum height are still accepted.

This filter accepts all records whose instances are not an ILcdPoint, like weather records.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdASTERIXAltitudeRecordFilter

      public TLcdASTERIXAltitudeRecordFilter()
      Creates a new altitude filter with the default settings. The default minimum altitude is Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY. The default maximum altitude is Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY. This means that, with the default settings, all records are accepted.
    • TLcdASTERIXAltitudeRecordFilter

      public TLcdASTERIXAltitudeRecordFilter(double aMinimumAltitude, double aMaximumAltitude)
      Creates a new record filter that rejects records whose altitude is less than the specified minimum altitude or greater than the specified maximum altitude.
      aMinimumAltitude - The minimum altitude in meters.
      aMaximumAltitude - The maximum altitude in meters.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • accept

      public boolean accept(ILcdDataObject aASTERIXRecord)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter

      Decide whether an ASTERIX record should be processed or ignored.

      Specified by:
      accept in interface ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter
      aASTERIXRecord - The ILcdDataObject that represents the ASTERIX record. Its type corresponds to one of the UAP types in the TLcdASTERIXDataTypes class. No references should be kept to this object after this method has returned, as the same object might be reused in subsequent calls.
      true to process the record, false to ignore it.
    • setMinimumAltitude

      public void setMinimumAltitude(double aMinimumAltitude)
      Sets the minimum accepted altitude by this filter in meters. Any ASTERIX record containing information about a location lower than this altitude is rejected. The default value is Doule.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
      aMinimumAltitude - The minimum altitude, in meters.
    • getMinimumAltitude

      public double getMinimumAltitude()
      Returns the minimum altitude in meters.
      The minimum altitude in meters. By default this is Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setMaximumAltitude

      public void setMaximumAltitude(double aMaximumAltitude)
      Sets the maximum accepted altitude by this filter in meters. Any ASTERIX record containing information about a location higher than this altitude is rejected. The default value is Doule.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      aMaximumAltitude - The maximum altitude, in meters.
    • getMaximumAltitude

      public double getMaximumAltitude()
      Returns the maximum altitude in meters.
      The maximum altitude in meters. By default this is Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also: