Interface ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdASTERIXAltitudeRecordFilter, TLcdASTERIXSacSicRecordFilter

public interface ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter

This interface defines a filter for ASTERIX records. It can for example be used to ignore data from a certain radar system, or ignore all coasted tracks.

For example for track data, an ASTERIX record typically corresponds to the location and attributes of a single track, as reported by the radar system. For such a record, this filter can decide to either keep or reject it. The filtering is performed while the file (or live stream) is being decoded, so the filter should be set on the model decoder.

For every record, the filter can inspect the values of every data item and decide to keep or reject the record. Such a data record is provided as an ILcdDataObject, bringing the power of the data model API, for example its expression language to select the required data properties. Please refer to the ASTERIX filtering sample for more information.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    accept(ILcdDataObject aASTERIXRecord)
    Decide whether an ASTERIX record should be processed or ignored.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      boolean accept(ILcdDataObject aASTERIXRecord)

      Decide whether an ASTERIX record should be processed or ignored.

      aASTERIXRecord - The ILcdDataObject that represents the ASTERIX record. Its type corresponds to one of the UAP types in the TLcdASTERIXDataTypes class. No references should be kept to this object after this method has returned, as the same object might be reused in subsequent calls.
      true to process the record, false to ignore it.