Interface ILcdASDIFeatures

All Known Subinterfaces:
ILcdASDIFlightPlanFeatures, ILcdASDIFlightPlanMessageFeatures, ILcdASDIMessageFeatures, ILcdASDITrackTOFeatures, ILcdASDITrackTZFeatures

public interface ILcdASDIFeatures

Note:This class is only to be used with the ILcdFeatured interface. It is supplied for backwards compatibility. It is recommended to use the new ILcdDataObject instead to retrieve information on the properties of all ASDI elements. For more information on ILcdDataObject, refer to the developer's guide or TLcdASDIDataTypes.

This interface and its sub-interfaces define constants for indicating ASDI feature names.

The information in the ASDI messages (such as "Ground speed", "Altitude", ...) is exposed through features (represented by ILcdFeatured) in LuciadLightspeed. ASDI messages contain a number of fields grouping information that belongs together. Each message field is mapped to a feature in LuciadLightspeed. The meta-data describing these features, such as a descriptive name, is available through the ILcdFeaturedDescriptor interface. Please refer to ALcdASDIModelDescriptor for a more detailed discussion about how to retrieve the ILcdFeaturedDescriptor. This interface and its sub-interfaces define constants for the names of the features and sub-features extracted from the ASDI messages. Using the ILcdFeaturedDescriptor together with the name constants enables to retrieve specific features.

At any time, features that are not available are returned as null values.

Feature name constants follow the naming convention explained below.

Naming convention

This interface and its sub-interfaces define constants representing the names of the available features (through the ILcdFeaturedDescriptor interface). They are composed like this:


  • NAME: a descriptive name, e.g. MESSAGE_FACILITY. Can be derived easily from the ASDI specification. Please refer to for more information on ASDI.
  • SF, CF, SL, CL :
    • SF: Simple Feature, the feature value of the feature with this name is a simple value, such as a speed, a facility, ...
    • CF: Complex Feature, the feature value of the feature with this name is of type ILcdFeatured, and in turn has sub features.
    • SL: Simple List, the feature value of the feature with this name is of type ILcdFeatured, and all sub features are of the same type, sub features are simple values, for example a list of fixes is a list of String,
    • CL: Complex List, the feature value of the feature with this name is of type ILcdFeatured, and all sub features are of the same type, sub features are ILcdFeatured itself, for example a list of UZ messages,
  • PARENTREF : only used for describing sub features of a ILcdFeatured, refers to a sub feature of a ILcdFeatured with name ending on PARENTREF.

Note that SL or CL features have a ILcdFeaturedDescriptor that is a ILcdCollectionFeaturedDescriptor.


ILcdASDIFlightPlanMessageFeatures.FZ_FLIGHT_ID_CF : CF at the end indicates that this is a complex feature, composed of others, and FZ_FLIGHT_ID is the descriptive name. It is a top level feature because there is no reference to a parent feature.

FLIGHT_ID_CF__AIRCRAFT_ID_SF : SF at the end indicates that this is a feature with a simple value, AIRCRAFT_ID is the descriptive name. It is a sub feature of all features with name ending on FLIGHT_ID_CF.

  • Field Details


      static final String FLIGHT_ID_CF__AIRCRAFT_ID_SF
      Name of the flight id sub feature indicating the aircraft id. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String FLIGHT_ID_CF__COMPUTER_ID_SF
      Name of the flight id sub feature indicating the computer id of the aircraft. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String ALTITUDE_CF__M_SF
      Name of the altitude sub feature indicating the 'M' option. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String ALTITUDE_CF__TYPE_SF
      Name of the altitude sub feature indicating the altitude type. The feature is of type TLcdASDIMappedInteger. All possible integer values are available through the constants in TLcdASDIMappedInteger starting with ALTITUDE_TYPE_.
      See Also:

      static final String ALTITUDE_CF__ALTITUDE_SF
      Name of the altitude sub feature indicating the altitude or flight level. The feature is of type TLcdISO19103Measure.
      See Also:

      static final String ALTITUDE_CF__MIN_ALTITUDE_SF
      Name of the altitude sub feature indicating the minimum altitude in a block of altitudes. The feature is of type TLcdISO19103Measure. Only available if the ALTITUDE_CF__TYPE_SF feature indicates a ALTITUDE_TYPE_ALTITUDE_BLOCK altitude.
      See Also:

      static final String ALTITUDE_CF__MAX_ALTITUDE_SF
      Name of the altitude sub feature indicating the maximum altitude in a block of altitudes. The feature is of type TLcdISO19103Measure. Only available if the ALTITUDE_CF__TYPE_SF feature indicates a ALTITUDE_TYPE_ALTITUDE_BLOCK altitude.
      See Also:

      static final String ALTITUDE_CF__ALTITUDE1_SF
      Name of the altitude sub feature indicating the first altitude if the ALTITUDE_CF__TYPE_SF feature indicates a ALTITUDE_TYPE_FIX_ALTITUDES altitude. The feature is of type TLcdISO19103Measure.
      See Also:

      static final String ALTITUDE_CF__ALTITUDE2_SF
      Name of the altitude sub feature indicating the second altitude if the ALTITUDE_CF__TYPE_SF feature indicates a ALTITUDE_TYPE_FIX_ALTITUDES altitude. The feature is of type TLcdISO19103Measure.
      See Also:

      static final String ALTITUDE_CF__FIX_SF
      Name of the altitude sub feature indicating the fix if the ALTITUDE_CF__TYPE_SF feature indicates a ALTITUDE_TYPE_FIX_ALTITUDES altitude. The feature is of type String.
      See Also:

      static final String TIME_TYPED_CF__TYPE_SF
      Name of the typed time sub feature indicating the type of the time. The feature is of type String. For instance 'E' indicates an estimated time.
      See Also:

      static final String TIME_TYPED_CF__HOUR_SF
      Name of the typed time sub feature indicating hour. The feature is of type Integer.
      See Also:

      static final String TIME_TYPED_CF__MIN_SF
      Name of the typed time sub feature indicating minutes. The feature is of type Integer.
      See Also:

      static final String TIME_CF__HOUR_SF
      Name of the time sub feature indicating the hour. The feature is of type Integer.
      See Also:

      static final String TIME_CF__MIN_SF
      Name of the time sub feature indicating the minutes. The feature is of type Integer.
      See Also:

      static final String SPEED_CF__TYPE_SF
      Name of the speed sub feature indicating the speed type. The feature is of type TLcdASDIMappedInteger. All possible integer values are available through the constants in TLcdASDIMappedInteger starting with SPEED_TYPE_
      See Also:

      static final String SPEED_CF__VALUE_SF
      Name of the speed sub feature indicating the speed value. If the SPEED_CF__TYPE_SF feature indicates a SPEED_TYPE_TRUE_AIR_SPEED this feature is of type TLcdISO19103Measure, if it is a SPEED_TYPE_MACH_SPEED the feature is of type Double.
      See Also: