Interface ILcdARINCModelDescriptorSupport

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdARINCAerodromeModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCAirportCommunicationModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCControlledAirspaceModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCDMEModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCEnrouteAirwayModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCEnrouteCommunicationModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCFIRUIRModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCHeliportCommunicationModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCHoldingModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCILSModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCMarkerModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCMinimumSectorAltitudeModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCModelListDescriptor, TLcdARINCMORAModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCNDBModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCProcedureTrajectoryModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCRestrictiveAirspaceModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCRunwayModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCTACANModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCVORModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCWayPointModelDescriptor

public interface ILcdARINCModelDescriptorSupport
A ILcdARINCModelDescriptorSupport is a model descriptor support that can contain additional information about the corresponding ARINC model.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the cycle date for the corresponding model or null if there is no cycle date set.
    Returns the expiration date for the corresponding model or null if there is no expiration date set.
    setCycleDate(int aCycleDate)
    Set the cycle date for the corresponding model.
    setExpirationDate(Date aExpirationDate)
    Set the expiration date for the ARINC data for the corresponding model.
  • Method Details

    • getExpirationDate

      Date getExpirationDate()
      Returns the expiration date for the corresponding model or null if there is no expiration date set.
      the expiration date
      See Also:
    • setExpirationDate

      void setExpirationDate(Date aExpirationDate)
      Set the expiration date for the ARINC data for the corresponding model.
      aExpirationDate - the expiration date to be set
      See Also:
    • getCycleDate

      Integer getCycleDate()
      Returns the cycle date for the corresponding model or null if there is no cycle date set. The cycle date is a 4 digits integer.

      The first two digits of the field contain the last two digits of the year. The last two digits contain the numeric identity of the 28-day data update cycle. Each calendar year contains 13 such cycles, however, on rare occasions 14 cycles will be encountered.

      the cycle date
      See Also:
    • setCycleDate

      void setCycleDate(int aCycleDate)
      Set the cycle date for the corresponding model. The cycle date is a 4 digits integer.

      The first two digits of the field contain the last two digits of the year. The last two digits contain the numeric identity of the 28-day data update cycle. Each calendar year contains 13 such cycles, however, on rare occasions 14 cycles will be encountered.

      aCycleDate - the cycle date
      IllegalArgumentException - if aCycleDate is invalid.
      See Also: