Class TLcdEmissionType


public class TLcdEmissionType extends Object
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the emission types. These types were defined at the 1979 ITU World Administrative Radio Conference.
  • Field Details

    • A2

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A2
      Telegraphy, no voice (key = A2).
    • A3A

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A3A
      Single side-band, reduced carrier (key = A3A).
    • A3B

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A3B
      Two independent side-bands (key = A3B).
    • A3E

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A3E
      AM double side-band telephony (key = A3E).
    • A3H

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A3H
      Single side-band, full carrier (key = A3H).
    • A3J

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A3J
      Single side-band, suppressed carrier (key = A3J).
    • A3L

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A3L
      Lower single side-band, carrier unknown (key = A3L).
    • A3U

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A3U
      Upper single side-band, carrier unknown (key = A3U).
    • J3E

      public static final TLcdEmissionType J3E
      AM double side-band suppressed carrier telephony (key = J3E).
    • NONA1A

      public static final TLcdEmissionType NONA1A
      Carrier emission interrupted (key = NONA1A).
    • NONA2A

      public static final TLcdEmissionType NONA2A
      Carrier emission continuous (key = NONA2A).
    • PON

      public static final TLcdEmissionType PON
      Pulse (key = PON).
    • A8W

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A8W
      AM (un-keyed) plus ON/OFF keying of Ident tone (key = A8W).
    • A9W

      public static final TLcdEmissionType A9W
      Composite AM/FM (un-keyed) plus ON/OFF keying of Ident tone (key = A9W).
    • NOX

      public static final TLcdEmissionType NOX
      Un-modulated carrier (key = NOX).
    • G1D

      public static final TLcdEmissionType G1D
      DPSK Data transmission (key = GID).
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the TLcdEmissionType object.
      the name of the TLcdEmissionType object.
    • valueOf

      public static TLcdEmissionType valueOf(String aCode)
      Returns the TLcdEmissionType object matching the given code.
      aCode - The key by which to retrieve a TLcdEmissionType. This key must not be null.
      A TLcdEmissionType object if the parameter matches to an emission type, null otherwise.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object