Class TLcdDesignatedPointType


public class TLcdDesignatedPointType extends Object
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the specific type of designated point whether published by the State, published by ICAO or created by another agency for convenience of identification.
  • Field Details

    • ICAO

      public static final TLcdDesignatedPointType ICAO
      ICAO 5 letter name code designator (key = ICAO).
    • ADHP

      public static final TLcdDesignatedPointType ADHP
      Aerodrome/Heliport related name code designator (key = ADHP).
    • COORD

      public static final TLcdDesignatedPointType COORD
      Point with identifier derived from its geographical coordinates (key = COORD).
    • OTHER

      public static final TLcdDesignatedPointType OTHER
      Other type of code designator (key = OTHER).
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the TLcdDesignatedPointType object.
      the name of the TLcdDesignatedPointType object.
    • valueOf

      public static TLcdDesignatedPointType valueOf(String aCode)
      Returns the TLcdDesignatedPointType object matching the given code.
      aCode - The key by which to retrieve a TLcdDesignatedPointType. This key must not be null.
      A TLcdDesignatedPointType object if the parameter matches to a designated point type, null otherwise.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object