Class TLcdDMEType


public class TLcdDMEType extends Object
Type safe enumeration class, indicating the type of UHF distance measuring equipment.
  • Field Details

    • DME_N

      public static final TLcdDMEType DME_N
      DME/N, narrow spectrum characteristics (key = N).
    • DME_P

      public static final TLcdDMEType DME_P
      DME/P, improved accuracy compared to the DME/N (key = P).
    • DME_W

      public static final TLcdDMEType DME_W
      DME/W, wide spectrum characteristics (key = W).
    • OTHER

      public static final TLcdDMEType OTHER
      Other (key = OTHER).
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the TLcdDMEType object.
      the name of the TLcdDMEType object.
    • valueOf

      public static TLcdDMEType valueOf(String aCode)
      Returns the TLcdDMEType object matching the given code.
      aCode - The key by which to retrieve a TLcdDMEType. This key must not be null.
      A TLcdDMEType object if the parameter matches to a DME type, null otherwise.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object