Class TLcdDataModelBuilder


public class TLcdDataModelBuilder extends Object

Builder that allows TLcdDataModel instances to be created. A typical usage pattern would be to first create a data model builder. Then use this data model builder to create a type builder for each type. These type builder can then be used to set all the properties of the types. The following snippet shows how this is done for a simple example data model:

 TLcdDataModelBuilder builder = new TLcdDataModelBuilder( "Model" );
 TLcdDataTypeBuilder typeBuilder = builder.typeBuilder( "Type" );
 typeBuilder.addProperty( "name", TLcdCoreDataTypes.STRING_TYPE );
 typeBuilder.addProperty( "addresses", TLcdCoreDataTypes.STRING_TYPE ).collectionType(List);
 TLcdDataModel model = builder.createDataModel();

Once the type building phase is over, the builder can be asked to create a data model (see createDataModel()). Only from that point on, the data model, all its corresponding types and properties become accessible. At the same time, no further modifications can be done. As a result, data model, type and property instances are immutable. Once created, they can no longer be changed. Trying to do so using one or more of the data model / type / property builders will cause exceptions to be thrown.

In order to be able to create cyclic dependencies between data models, multiple data models need to be created at the same time. This is possible by creating dependent data model builders using the dataModelBuilder(String) method. When a data model is created, all data models of the dependent builders are created as well.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDataModelBuilder

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder(String aName)
      Creates a new builder with the given name. The data model that will be created will have the same name as the builder. To create new instances of a certain type, the implementation uses Java reflection to call either the public default constructor or the public constructor that takes a TLcdDataTypeBuilder
      aName - the name of the data model that is to be built
      See Also:
    • TLcdDataModelBuilder

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder(String aName, ILcdDataObjectFactory aFactory)
      Creates a new builder with the given name and ILcdDataObjectFactory. The data model that will be created will have the same name as the builder. The factory argument defines how by default new instances of the to be created types are created. This default can be overridden by associating specific object factories with a type (see TLcdDataTypeBuilder.dataObjectFactory(ILcdDataObjectFactory).
      aName - the name of the data model that is to be built
      aFactory - the default factory to be used when new instances are to be created
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the this builder. This is by definition also the name of the data model that is being built
      the name of this builder
    • getDataObjectFactory

      public ILcdDataObjectFactory getDataObjectFactory()
      Returns the data object factory of this builder. Types created by this builder will use this factory to create new instances.
      a the data object factory of this builder
      See Also:
    • createDataModel

      public TLcdDataModel createDataModel()
      Creates a new data model, including all types and properties that were built using this builder. Once the data model has been built, this builder and all dependent builders will no longer support modifications.
      a new data model containing all types and properties that were built using this builder
    • typeBuilder

      public TLcdDataTypeBuilder typeBuilder(String aName)

      Returns a type builder to build a type in this data model with the given name. When this method is called more than once with the same name, the same type builder will be returned.

      The type builder returned by this method is set up to build a non-abstract type extending from TLcdCoreDataTypes.DATA_OBJECT_TYPE with instance class TLcdDataObject.

      The name of the type can only contain letters, digits, periods ('.'), dashes ('-'), and underscores ('_').

      aName - the name of the type that is to be built
      a type builder to build a type in this data model with the given name
      IllegalArgumentException - when the given name contains invalid characters
    • addDependency

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder addDependency(TLcdDataModel aDataModel)
      Adds the given data model as a dependency to the data model that this builder is building. The following data models are added automatically as dependencies by the builder.
      • the data model of the supertypes of the types declared in this data model
      • the data model of the types of the properties of the types declared in this data model
      aDataModel - the data model to add as dependency
    • addDependency

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder addDependency(TLcdDataModelBuilder aDataModelBuilder)
      Adds the data model that is built by the given data model builder as a dependency to the data model that this builder is building. The following data models are added automatically as dependencies by the builder.
      • the data model of the supertypes of the types declared in this data model
      • the data model of the types of the properties of the types declared in this data model
      aDataModelBuilder - the data model builder to add as dependency
    • dataModelBuilder

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder dataModelBuilder(String aModelName)
      Returns the data model builder for the model with the given name. If no such builder was created before by this builder or one of its dependent builders, a new one is created.
      aModelName - the name of the model that is to be created
      the data model builder for the model with the given name
      See Also:
    • dataModelBuilder

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder dataModelBuilder(String aModelName, ILcdDataObjectFactory aObjectFactory)

      Returns the data model builder for the model with the given name. If no such builder was created before by this builder or one of its dependent builders, a new one is created with the given object factory. The returned builder will have the same life cycle as this instance. This means that when the data model of one of the builders is created, the data models of all other builders are created as well. Using this method is typically done when mutually dependent data models are to be created.

      When this method is called more than once with the same name, the same data model builder will be returned. Calling dataModelBuilder( getName() ) returns this.

      Creating a data model builder in this way does not have any implications about dependencies between this data model and the data model of the returned builder. Dependencies are only created when types refer to other types or when a dependency is created manually using the addDependency(TLcdDataModelBuilder) method.

      aModelName - the name of the data model for which a builder is to be returned
      aObjectFactory - the object factory that should be used for creating instances
      a builder that is used to create a model with the given name
    • annotateFromFactory

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder annotateFromFactory(TLcdDataModelBuilder.DataModelAnnotationFactory<?> aAnnotationFactory)

      Annotates the data model that is being built. The actual annotation is the return value of TLcdDataModelBuilder.DataModelAnnotationFactory.createAnnotation(TLcdDataModel). Once the data model is created, the annotation can be retrieved using TLcdDataModel.getAnnotation(Class).

      The use of the factory makes it possible to refer to the data model from inside the annotation. The actual annotation value will be created at the end of the initialization of the data model.

      aAnnotationFactory - a factory that is able to create the value of the annotation
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • createAnonymousDataModel

      public static TLcdDataModel createAnonymousDataModel(Collection<TLcdDataModel> aDataModels)
      Creates an anonymous data model for the given collection of data models. The returned data model will be an anonymous data model (its name is null) and it will have a direct dependency on all data models that are passed as argument.
      aDataModels - the data models for which an anonymous data model is to be created
      an anonymous data model that depends on all the given data models
    • createUnionDataModel

      public static TLcdDataModel createUnionDataModel(Collection<TLcdDataModel> aDataModels)
      Returns a data model that is the union of all given data models. Thus all data models in the given collection are in the set of the dependencies of the returned data model. In case there is a data model in the given collection on which all other data models in the collection depend, that data model is returned.
      aDataModels - a collection of data models
      a data model that is equal to or depends on all given data models
    • annotate

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder annotate(ILcdAnnotation aAnnotation)
      Adds an annotation to the data model that is being built. The annotation can be retrieved on the data model using TLcdDataModel.getAnnotation(Class).
      aAnnotation - the annotation to add
      this instance
    • displayNameProvider

      public TLcdDataModelBuilder displayNameProvider(ILcdDataModelDisplayNameProvider aProvider)
      Sets the display name provider of the data model that is being built to the given parameter.
      aProvider - a display name provider to use for the data model that is being built
      this instance