Options for the PanoramaModel constructor.





baseURL: string

The base URL for this PanoramaModel. See PanoramaModel.getPanoramicImageURL for details on how this value is used.

If you don't want to fetch images from URL's, but want to implement your own image loading in PanoramaModel.getPanoramicImage, you can set this to any string of choice. It is only used in PanoramaModel.getPanoramicImage, so if you replace that with a custom implementation, you can ignore the result of PanoramaModel.getPanoramicImageURL.

credentials?: boolean

Whether credentials should be included with every HTTP request.

facePatternMap?: Map<CubeMapFace, string>

A mapping of CubeMapFace to strings to be used by the {face} URL pattern. By default, the following mapping will be used:

new Map([
[CubeMapFace.FRONT, "front"],
[CubeMapFace.BACK, "back"],
[CubeMapFace.LEFT, "left"],
[CubeMapFace.RIGHT, "right"],
[CubeMapFace.TOP, "top"],
[CubeMapFace.BOTTOM, "bottom"],

Describes type and tileset structure used by panoramas in this model.

By default, this descriptor is used for all panoramas in the model. If your layer contains panoramas of varying types or tileset structures, you should override PanoramaModel.getPanoramaDescriptor

requestHeaders?: null | HttpRequestHeaders

An object literal that represents headers (as a key-value map) to send with each HTTP request. If set (and not empty), an XHR with the specified headers will be performed instead of creating an Image.

requestParameters?: null | HttpRequestParameters

An object literal that represents URL parameters (as a key-value map) to send with each HTTP request. If set (and not empty), an XHR with the specified query parameters will be performed instead of creating an Image.



subdomains?: string[]

When specified, PanoramaModel.getPanoramicImageURL will replace the {s} pattern in baseURL with values from subdomains. This will cause tile requests to be spread across different subdomains. Browsers limit the amount of connections to a single domain. Using subdomains avoids hitting this limit. By default, it's an empty array.