To run LuciadRIA, you need a license file that is provided to you by Luciad’s Customer Services department.

LuciadRIA supports two types of licenses: developer licenses and end user licenses. A developer license can be used with the original LuciadRIA libraries, in the development phase of your project. It allows you to write, build, and run LuciadRIA applications. An end user license can only be used with finalized LuciadRIA applications.

License terminology

The term developer license is used interchangeably with the term development license throughout the product. The end user license may also be referred to as the deployment license.

To install LuciadRIA and run the samples, you must place your license file in a specific folder. The installing and activating the license tutorial points you to the correct license file location.

In your application code, LuciadRIA expects you to provide the URL to a file containing the license information. Alternatively, you can provide the contents of a license file as a string. You need to register the license URL or contents to the LuciadRIA License class. You must register your license before using other parts of the LuciadRIA API. For more information about using the License class, see the installing and activating the license tutorial.

Testing and troubleshooting the license installation

To test your license installation, run one of the LuciadRIA samples. The installation instructions show you how you can do this. If the license isn’t properly installed, you will get a popup with an error. If you’re using a WebGLMap, you will also see a watermark on the map.

For more information about any license-related issues, open the developer tools of your browser and check the JavaScript console.

To find out what the error messages mean, see Common license errors.