Class TLcdGLCapabilitiesChooser

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdGLCapabilitiesChooser extends Object implements ILcdGLCapabilitiesChooser
Default implementation of ILcdGLCapabilitiesChooser.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGLCapabilitiesChooser

      public TLcdGLCapabilitiesChooser()
  • Method Details

    • chooseGLCapabilities

      public int chooseGLCapabilities(ILcdGLCapabilities aRequestedCapabilities, ILcdGLCapabilities[] aAvailableCapabilities, int aRecommendedChoice)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGLCapabilitiesChooser
      Given a requested ILcdGLCapabilities and a list of supported capabilities, returns the index of the capabilities to be used for an ILcdGLDrawable that is about to be created. The chooser should go through the list of available capabilities and select the one that most closely matches the application's request.

      Note that the list of available capabilities may contain null entries. The chooser should ignore these. The aRecommendedChoice parameter points to the ILcdGLCapabilities recommended by the underlying windowing system. It may be -1 if the system could not recommend a capabilities.

      Specified by:
      chooseGLCapabilities in interface ILcdGLCapabilitiesChooser
      aRequestedCapabilities - capabilities requested by the application
      aAvailableCapabilities - all capabilities supported by the graphics hardware
      aRecommendedChoice - index of the windowing system's recommended capabilities
      the index of the capabilities to be used