Class TLspPopupMenuSelectionCandidateHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLspPopupMenuSelectionCandidateHandler extends Object implements ILspSelectionCandidateHandler

ILspSelectionCandidateHandler that shows a pop-up menu from which a user can chose a single selection candidate. It is used by the TLspSelectControllerModel to update the selection for TLspSelectChoice.CHOOSE.

The single selection candidate chosen by the user will:

Customizing the string representation of the domain objects

The domain objects in the pop-up menu are by default represented by their toString implementation. This can be changed by configuring a custom ILcdFormatter on this handler.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLspPopupMenuSelectionCandidateHandler

      public TLspPopupMenuSelectionCandidateHandler()
  • Method Details

    • getPopupDeltaX

      public int getPopupDeltaX()
      Returns the x value of the popup location offset.
      the x value of the popup location offset.
    • setPopupDeltaX

      public void setPopupDeltaX(int aPopupDeltaX)
      Sets the x value of the popup location offset. The upper left corner of the popup will be located at the position in the view corresponding to this offset added to the view point passed in handleSelectionCandidates. The default value is 0.
      aPopupDeltaX - the new x value of the popup location offset
    • getPopupDeltaY

      public int getPopupDeltaY()
      Returns the y value of the popup location offset.
      the y value of the popup location offset.
    • setPopupDeltaY

      public void setPopupDeltaY(int aPopupDeltaY)
      Sets the y value of the popup location offset. The upper left corner of the popup will be located at the position in the view corresponding to this offset added to the view point passed in handleSelectionCandidates. The default value is 0.
      aPopupDeltaY - the new x value of the popup location offset
    • getSelectionCandidateFormatter

      public ILcdFormatter getSelectionCandidateFormatter()
      Returns the current object formatter used to format selection candidates.
      the current selection candidate formatter.
    • setSelectionCandidateFormatter

      public void setSelectionCandidateFormatter(ILcdFormatter aObjectFormatter)
      Sets the object formatter used to transform the selection candidates to a String. The objects offered for formatting will be instances of TLspDomainObjectContext. The default formatter use toString() on the domain object contained in the TLspSelectionCandidate and take the first 50 characters of the resulting String.
      aObjectFormatter - the new object formatter for selection candidates.
    • isGroupByLayer

      public boolean isGroupByLayer()
      Return whether or not selection candidates are displayed in sub-menus by layer.
      true of selection candidates are grouped by layer, false otherwise.
    • setGroupByLayer

      public void setGroupByLayer(boolean aGroupByLayer)
      Sets the group by layer property. If true, selection candidates from the same layer will be displayed in a submenu. The default is true.
      aGroupByLayer - the group by layer property.
    • handleSelectionCandidates

      public void handleSelectionCandidates(ALspSelectInput aInput, TLspSelectMode aMode, ILspView aView, List<TLspDomainObjectContext> aSelectionCandidates)
      Description copied from interface: ILspSelectionCandidateHandler
      Handles which objects change their selection from a list of selection candidates. It is the responsibility of this method to:
      Specified by:
      handleSelectionCandidates in interface ILspSelectionCandidateHandler
      aInput - the selection input.
      aMode - the mode, this controls how the selection is adapted for the remaining selection candidates.
      aView - the view for which this selection candidate handler was invoked. The view can be used to retrieve the layers and the currently selected objects.
      aSelectionCandidates - the list of potential selection candidates whose selection will be handled.
    • handleMenuItemHoverChange

      protected void handleMenuItemHoverChange(ALspSelectInput aInput, TLspSelectMode aSelectMode, TLspDomainObjectContext aContext, boolean aMenuItemHoverActive)
      Handle a hover state change on a menu item. The default implementation will add/remove/replace the object that is being hovered on to the selection (depending on aSelectMode).
      aInput - The input that triggered the opening of the pop-up menu.
      aSelectMode - The current selection mode.
      aContext - The context for which to handle the menu item hover change.
      aMenuItemHoverActive - Indicates if the menu item is being hovered on (true) or the hover has disappeared (false).
    • handleMenuItemSelected

      protected void handleMenuItemSelected(ALspSelectInput aInput, TLspSelectMode aSelectMode, TLspDomainObjectContext aContext)
      Handle a menu item selection. The default implementation will add/remove/replace the object that is being selected in the menu, on to the layer selection (depending on the current selection mode).
      aInput - The input that triggered the opening of the pop-up menu.
      aSelectMode - The current selection mode.
      aContext - The context for which to handle the menu item selection.