Interface ILspSelectionCandidateHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLspDefaultSelectionCandidateHandler, TLspPopupMenuSelectionCandidateHandler

public interface ILspSelectionCandidateHandler

Handles exactly which objects change their selection from a list of potential selection candidates.

For example, a static algorithm can be written that depending on the TLspSelectMode and the type of ALspSelectInput determines which selection candidates should be selected in the layer.

Another example could be an implementation that shows a Swing dialog where a user can choose which particular objects must be selected.

This interface is used by the TLspSelectControllerModel to update the selection.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • handleSelectionCandidates

      void handleSelectionCandidates(ALspSelectInput aInput, TLspSelectMode aMode, ILspView aView, List<TLspDomainObjectContext> aSelectionCandidates)
      Handles which objects change their selection from a list of selection candidates. It is the responsibility of this method to:
      aInput - the selection input.
      aMode - the mode, this controls how the selection is adapted for the remaining selection candidates.
      aView - the view for which this selection candidate handler was invoked. The view can be used to retrieve the layers and the currently selected objects.
      aSelectionCandidates - the list of potential selection candidates whose selection will be handled.