Class TLcdGXYTouchSelectEditController

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdUndoableSource, ILcdAWTEventListener, ILcdStatusSource, ILcdGXYChainableController, ILcdGXYController, Serializable

public class TLcdGXYTouchSelectEditController extends ALcdGXYChainableController implements ILcdUndoableSource

A touch controller combining selection and editing behaviour.

This controller uses two controller models: TLcdGXYSelectControllerModel2 for selection and TLcdGXYMultiPointEditControllerModel for editing. The default constructor configures the controller for single-touch editing. Refer to the other constructors for how to set up multi-touch editing.

Besides select and edit behaviour it also has support for touch-and-hold detection. When a touch-and-hold is detected, the touch-and-hold action is triggered. When the input point causing the touch-and-hold is removed, the post touch-and-hold action is triggered.

A typical use case for the touch-and-hold action is to display a context menu.

This controller only tries to handle TLcdTouchPoints which are not-consumed, and marks the TLcdTouchPoints it uses as consumed, similar to the ALcdGXYTouchChainableController.

See Also: