Class TLcdGXYLayerSubsetList

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdGXYLayerSubsetList extends Object implements ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
This is an implementation of the ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList interface.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGXYLayerSubsetList

      public TLcdGXYLayerSubsetList()
  • Method Details

    • fromViewSelection

      public static TLcdGXYLayerSubsetList fromViewSelection(ILcdGXYView aView)
      Returns a list with the selected elements in the view, ordered from top to bottom.
      aView - the view with selected elements
      a list containing all selected elements
    • addElement

      public void addElement(Object aObject, ILcdGXYLayer aGXYLayer)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      Adds a domain object that is part of the given layer.
      Specified by:
      addElement in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      aObject - the Object to add.
      aGXYLayer - the ILcdGXYLayer the Object belongs to.
    • removeElement

      public void removeElement(Object aObject, ILcdGXYLayer aGXYLayer)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      Removes the domain object part of the given layer.
      Specified by:
      removeElement in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      aObject - the Object to remove.
      aGXYLayer - the ILcdGXYLayer the Object belongs to.
    • layers

      public Enumeration layers()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      Returns an Enumeration of all layers for which objects are present.
      Specified by:
      layers in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      an Enumeration of all objects that are part of the given layer.
    • layerSubset

      public Enumeration layerSubset(ILcdGXYLayer aGXYLayer)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      Returns an Enumeration of all objects that are part of the given layer.
      Specified by:
      layerSubset in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      aGXYLayer - the layer whose objects to return
      an Enumeration of all objects that are part of the given layer.
    • retrieveGXYLayer

      public ILcdGXYLayer retrieveGXYLayer(Object aObject)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      Returns the ILcdGXYLayer for which the given Object was added.
      Specified by:
      retrieveGXYLayer in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      the ILcdGXYLayer if aObject has been added, or null if aObject does not belong to this ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      See Also:
    • asAssocs

      public ILcdAssoc[] asAssocs()
      Retrieves an array of ILcdAssoc. For each ILcdAssoc, the method getKey() returns an ILcdGXYLayer, the method getValue() returns a Vector containing the Objects part of the subset of this ILcdGXYLayer.
      Specified by:
      asAssocs in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      an array of ILcdAssoc objects, with the key being an ILcdGXYLayer, and the value a Vector.
    • removeAllElements

      public void removeAllElements()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      Removes all the subsets.
      Specified by:
      removeAllElements in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
    • elements

      public Enumeration elements()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      Returns an Enumeration of all the Objects in all the ILcdGXYLayer subsets.
      Specified by:
      elements in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      an Enumeration of all the Objects in all the ILcdGXYLayer subsets
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      Returns the number of all the Objects in all the ILcdGXYLayer subsets.
      Specified by:
      size in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      the number of all the Objects in all the ILcdGXYLayer subsets
    • contains

      public boolean contains(Object aObject)
      Tests contains by comparing reference (not using Object.equals).
      Specified by:
      contains in interface ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList
      true if the given Object belongs to one of the ILcdGXYLayer subsets. Tests shall be done by comparing Object reference (not using Object.equals)