Interface ILcdGXYPen

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcdGXYPen, TLcdGeodeticPen, TLcdGridPen, TLcdGXYPen, TLcdProjectionPen

public interface ILcdGXYPen extends Serializable
Provides low-level operations for painting and editing on an ILcdGXYView.
See ALcdGXYPen.create(com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReference) for default factory methods.

Objects to be painted or manipulated are typically specified in model coordinates. These coordinates are transformed to world coordinates and AWT view coordinates, e.g for painting or picking. Therefore, the ILcdGXYPen saves you a lot of work and helps you to write code which is easier to understand and maintain.

An ILcdGXYPen maintains a current position which is used by several methods. It also provides a convenient way to transform between model, world and AWT coordinates. Related methods are:

An ILcdGXYPen stores an internal path which can be accumulated and painted. The path is accumulated by appending lines, point lists, or arcs. Subsequently, it can then be painted as a polyline, a polygon, or a filled polygon. Related methods are:

Alternatively, an ILcdGXYPen allows to construct an external AWT path which the user can modify, transform, or paint as required. Related methods are:

Similarly, lines, point lists, or arcs can be appended to an external general path which the user can modify, transform or paint as required. Related methods are:

An ILcdGXYPen also provides a set of methods to paint elementary shapes such as lines and arcs. Related methods are:

Furthermore, information can be obtained about the geometry of elementary shapes, such as distances and bounding boxes in AWT coordinates. Related methods are:

An ILcdGXYPen also provides assistance with picking objects. Related methods are:

Finally, an ILcdGXYPen allows the user to specify and paint hot points. Related methods are:

ILcdGXYPen Structure

See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final int FILLED_SQUARE
      constant representing a filled square to be used as hot point shape
      See Also:

      static final int VERTICAL_CROSS
      constant representing a vertical cross to be used as hot point shape
      See Also:

      static final int HORIZONTAL_CROSS
      constant representing a horizontal cross to be used as hot point shape
      See Also:
    • CIRCLE

      static final int CIRCLE
      constant representing a circle to be used as hot point shape
      See Also:

      static final int FILLED_CIRCLE
      constant representing a filled circle to be used as hot point shape
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getX

      int getX()
      Gets the AWT x coordinate of the current position of this ILcdGXYPen.
      the AWT x coordinate of the current position of this ILcdGXYPen
    • getY

      int getY()
      Gets the AWT y coordinate of the current position of this ILcdGXYPen.
      the AWT y coordinate of the current position of this ILcdGXYPen
    • getXAsDouble

      default double getXAsDouble()
      Gets the AWT x coordinate of the current position of this ILcdGXYPen.
      the AWT x coordinate of the current position of this ILcdGXYPen
    • getYAsDouble

      default double getYAsDouble()
      Gets the AWT y coordinate of the current position of this ILcdGXYPen.
      the AWT y coordinate of the current position of this ILcdGXYPen
    • moveTo

      void moveTo(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Moves the current position by setting its model coordinates to the given model point. The world and AWT coordinates of the current position are updated by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.

      Setting the current position is only required - and should therefore only be used - to define the start point of a line. This is necessary in combination with one of the drawLineTo, drawHorizontalLineTo, or drawVerticalLineTo methods or in case one adds a line to an empty (sub)path with one of the appendLineTo or accumulateLineTo methods.

      Note that this method does not create a line break.

      aPoint - the model point to which the current position is moved
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the given point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation.
    • moveTo

      void moveTo(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Moves the current position by setting its model coordinates to the given model point. The world coordinates of the current position are updated by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation.

      Setting the current position is only required - and should therefore only be used - to define the start point of a line. This is necessary in combination with one of the drawLineTo, drawHorizontalLineTo, or drawVerticalLineTo methods or in case one adds a line to an empty (sub)path with one of the appendLineTo or accumulateLineTo methods.

      Note that this method does not create a line break.

      aPoint - the model point to which the current position is moved
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the given point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation.
    • moveTo

      void moveTo(double aX, double aY, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Moves the current position by setting its AWT coordinates to the given AWT point. The world and model coordinates of the current position are updated by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.

      Setting the current position is only required - and should therefore only be used - to define the start point of a line. This is necessary in combination with one of the drawLineTo, drawHorizontalLineTo, or drawVerticalLineTo methods or in case one adds a line to an empty (sub)path with one of the appendLineTo or accumulateLineTo methods.

      Note that this method does not create a line break.

      aX - the x coordinate of the AWT point to which the current position is moved
      aY - the y coordinate of the AWT point to which the current position is moved
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the given point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation.
    • translateOf

      void translateOf(double aDeltaX, double aDeltaY, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Translates the AWT coordinates of the current position. The world and model coordinates of the current position are updated by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.

      Setting the current position is only required - and should therefore only be used - to define the start point of a line. This is necessary in combination with one of the drawLineTo, drawHorizontalLineTo, or drawVerticalLineTo methods or in case one adds a line to an empty (sub)path with one of the appendLineTo or accumulateLineTo methods.

      Note that this method does not create a line break.

      aDeltaX - the amount by which the AWT x coordinate of the current position is translated
      aDeltaY - the amount by which the AWT y coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the translated point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation
    • resetPosition

      void resetPosition()
      Makes the current position undefined so that it is not involved in the next drawing or append/accumulate operation.
    • drawLineTo

      void drawLineTo(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a line from the current position to the given model point onto the given Graphics. The given model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by applying the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPoint - the end point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the line is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the given end point of the line is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • drawLineTo

      void drawLineTo(double aX, double aY, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a line from the current position to the given AWT point onto the given Graphics. The given AWT coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to model coordinates by applying the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aX - the AWT x coordinate of the point to which a line is drawn
      aY - the AWT y coordinate of the point to which a line is drawn
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics on which the line is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the given end point of the line is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • drawHorizontalLineTo

      void drawHorizontalLineTo(double aDeltaX, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a horizontal line from the current position to the given model point onto the given Graphics. This model point is obtained by translating the model x coordinate of the current position by the given amount. The model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by applying the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aDeltaX - the amount by which the model x coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics on which the line is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the given end point of the line is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • drawVerticalLineTo

      void drawVerticalLineTo(double aDeltaY, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a vertical line from the current position to the given model point onto the given Graphics. This model point is obtained by translating the model y coordinate of the current position by the given amount. The model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by applying the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aDeltaY - the amount by which the model y coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics on which the line is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the given end point of the line is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • emptyAccumulated

      void emptyAccumulated()
      Clears the accumulated internal path.
      See Also:
    • accumulateLineTo

      void accumulateLineTo(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Accumulates a line from the current position to the given model point to the internally stored path. The given model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.

      Note that nothing is painted yet.

      aPoint - the end point (specified in model coordinates) of the line
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the given model point is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
      See Also:
    • accumulateHorizontalLineTo

      void accumulateHorizontalLineTo(double aDeltaX, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Accumulates a horizontal line starting from the current position to the internally stored path. The model coordinates of the end point of this line are obtained by translating the model x coordinate of the current position by the given amount. The model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.

      Note that nothing is painted yet.

      aDeltaX - the amount by which the model x coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the end point of the line is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • accumulateVerticalLineTo

      void accumulateVerticalLineTo(double aDeltaY, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Accumulates a vertical line starting from the current position to the internally stored path. The model coordinates of the end point of this line are obtained by translating the model y coordinate of the current position by the given amount. The model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.

      Note that nothing is painted yet.

      aDeltaY - the amount by which the model y coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the end point of the line is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • accumulatePointList

      void accumulatePointList(ILcdPointList aPointList, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Accumulates a polyline to the internally stored path. The polyline is given as an ILcdPointList of which the points are specified in model coordinates. These model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.

      Note that nothing is painted yet.

      aPointList - the point list (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case one of the points of the polyline is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
      See Also:
    • accumulateArc

      void accumulateArc(ILcdPoint aCenter, double aA, double aB, double aRotAngle, double aStartAngle, double aArcAngle, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Accumulates a polyline approximation of the given arc to the internally stored path. The arc is specified as a segment of the circumference of an ellipse. The given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation are used to transform model coordinates to AWT coordinates.

      Note that nothing is painted yet.

      aCenter - the center of the ellipse (specified in model coordinates)
      aA - the semi-major axis of the ellipse
      aB - the semi-minor axis of the ellipse
      aRotAngle - the rotation angle of the major axis of the ellipse (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aStartAngle - the start angle of the arc (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aArcAngle - the span of the arc (expressed in degrees), increasing counterclockwise from the start angle
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the center of the ellipse and/or one of the points of the polyline approximation to the arc are outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
      See Also:
    • drawAccumulatedPolyline

      void drawAccumulatedPolyline(Graphics aGraphics, boolean aEmptyAccumulated)
      Draws the points stored in the internal path as a polyline. If aEmptyAccumulated is true, the internal path is cleared after the drawing operation.
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the polyline is drawn
      aEmptyAccumulated - boolean indicating whether the internal path should be cleared
    • drawAccumulatedPolygon

      void drawAccumulatedPolygon(Graphics aGraphics, boolean aEmptyAccumulated)
      Draws the points stored in the internal path as a polygon. If aEmptyAccumulated is true, the internal path is cleared after the drawing operation.
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the polyline is drawn
      aEmptyAccumulated - boolean indicating whether the internal path should be cleared
    • fillAccumulatedPolygon

      void fillAccumulatedPolygon(Graphics aGraphics, boolean aEmptyAccumulated)
      Draws the points stored in the internal path as a filled polygon. If aEmptyAccumulated is true, the internal path is cleared after the drawing operation.
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the polyline is drawn
      aEmptyAccumulated - boolean indicating whether the internal path should be cleared
    • appendLineTo

      void appendLineTo(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcdAWTPath aAWTPathSFCT)
      Appends a line from the current position to the given model point to the given ILcdAWTPath. The given model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation. If this model point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, a line break is appended to the given ILcdAWTPath.
      aPoint - the end point (specified in model coordinates) of the line
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aAWTPathSFCT - the AWT path to which the line is appended
    • appendHorizontalLineTo

      void appendHorizontalLineTo(double aDeltaX, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcdAWTPath aAWTPathSFCT)
      Appends a horizontal line starting from the current position to the given ILcdAWTPath. The model coordinates of the end point of this line are obtained by translating the model x coordinate of the current position by the given amount. The model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation. If this model point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, a line break is appended to the given ILcdAWTPath. In case the current position is undefined, nothing is appended.
      aDeltaX - the amount by which the model x coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aAWTPathSFCT - the AWT path to which the line is appended
    • appendVerticalLineTo

      void appendVerticalLineTo(double aDeltaY, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcdAWTPath aAWTPathSFCT)
      Appends a vertical line starting from the current position to the given ILcdAWTPath. The model coordinates of the end point of this line are obtained by translating the model y coordinate of the current position by the given amount. The model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation. If this model point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, a line break is appended to the given ILcdAWTPath. In case the current position is undefined, nothing is appended.
      aDeltaY - the amount by which the model y coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aAWTPathSFCT - the AWT path to which the line is appended
    • appendPointList

      void appendPointList(ILcdPointList aPointList, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcdAWTPath aAWTPathSFCT)
      Appends a polyline to the given ILcdAWTPath. The polyline is given as an ILcdPointList of which the points are specified in model coordinates. These model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation. If a model point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, a line break is appended to the given ILcdAWTPath so that the polyline is split.
      aPointList - the point list (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aAWTPathSFCT - the AWT path to which the given point list is appended
    • appendArc

      void appendArc(ILcdPoint aCenter, double aA, double aB, double aRotAngle, double aStartAngle, double aArcAngle, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcdAWTPath aAWTPathSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Appends a polyline approximation of the given arc to the given ILcdAWTPath. The arc is specified as a segment of the circumference of an ellipse. The given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation are used to transform model coordinates to AWT coordinates.
      aCenter - the center of the ellipse (specified in model coordinates)
      aA - the semi-major axis of the ellipse
      aB - the semi-minor axis of the ellipse
      aRotAngle - the rotation angle of the major axis of the ellipse (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aStartAngle - the start angle of the arc (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aArcAngle - the span of the arc (expressed in degrees), increasing counterclockwise from the start angle
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aAWTPathSFCT - the AWT path to which the polyline approximation of the given arc is appended
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the center of the ellipse is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
      See Also:
    • appendGeneralPath

      void appendGeneralPath(ILcdGeneralPath aGeneralPath, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcdAWTPath aAWTPathSFCT)
      Appends the given ILcdGeneralPath to the given ILcdAWTPath. The world coordinates of the points stored in the given ILcdGeneralPath are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation. If consecutive world points map to the same AWT point, the AWT path may be simplified in order to reduce memory requirements and improve the performance of further operations.
      aGeneralPath - the general path which is appended to the given AWT path
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aAWTPathSFCT - the AWT path to which the given general path is appended
    • appendLineTo

      void appendLineTo(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGeneralPath aGeneralPathSFCT)
      Appends a line from the current position to the given model point to the given ILcdGeneralPath. The given model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to world coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation. If this point is outside the valid area of the transformation, a line break is appended to the given ILcdGeneralPath.
      aPoint - the end point (specified in model coordinates) of the line
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGeneralPathSFCT - the general path to which the line is appended
    • appendHorizontalLineTo

      void appendHorizontalLineTo(double aDeltaX, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGeneralPath aGeneralPathSFCT)
      Appends a horizontal line starting from the current position to the given ILcdGeneralPath. The model coordinates of the end point of this line are obtained by translating the model x coordinate of the current position by the given amount. The model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to world coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation. If this point is outside the valid area of this transformation, a line break is appended to the given ILcdGeneralPath. In case the current position is undefined, nothing is appended.
      aDeltaX - the amount by which the model x coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGeneralPathSFCT - the general path to which the line is appended
    • appendVerticalLineTo

      void appendVerticalLineTo(double aDeltaY, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGeneralPath aGeneralPathSFCT)
      Appends a vertical line starting from the current position to the given ILcdGeneralPath. The model coordinates of the end point of this line are obtained by translating the model y coordinate of the current position by the given amount. The model coordinates of the end point of the line are transformed to world coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation. If this point is outside the valid area of this transformation, a line break is appended to the given ILcdGeneralPath. In case the current position is undefined, nothing is appended.
      aDeltaY - the amount by which the model y coordinate of the current position is translated
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGeneralPathSFCT - the general path to which the line is appended
    • appendPointList

      void appendPointList(ILcdPointList aPointList, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGeneralPath aGeneralPathSFCT)
      Appends a polyline to the given ILcdGeneralPath. The polyline is given as an ILcdPointList of which the points are specified in model coordinates. These model coordinates are transformed to world coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation. If a model point is outside the valid area of this transformation, a line break is appended to the given ILcdGeneralPath so that the polyline is split.
      aPointList - the point list (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGeneralPathSFCT - the general path to which the given point list is appended
    • appendArc

      void appendArc(ILcdPoint aCenter, double aA, double aB, double aRotAngle, double aStartAngle, double aArcAngle, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGeneralPath aGeneralPathSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Appends a polyline approximation of the given arc to the given ILcdGeneralPath. The arc is specified as a segment of the circumference of an ellipse. The given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation is used to transform model coordinates to world coordinates.
      aCenter - the center of the ellipse (specified in model coordinates)
      aA - the semi-major axis of the ellipse
      aB - the semi-minor axis of the ellipse
      aRotAngle - the rotation angle of the major axis of the ellipse (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aStartAngle - the start angle of the arc (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aArcAngle - the span of the arc (expressed in degrees), increasing counterclockwise from the start angle
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGeneralPathSFCT - the general path to which the polyline approximation of the given arc is appended
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the center of the ellipse is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
      See Also:
    • drawLine

      void drawLine(ILcdPoint aFromPoint, ILcdPoint aToPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a line between the two given model points onto the given Graphics. The model coordinates of the end points of the line are transformed to AWT coordinates by applying the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aFromPoint - the start point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aToPoint - the end point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the line is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case one of the given end points of the line is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • drawPolyline

      void drawPolyline(ILcdPointList aPointList, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a polyline onto the given Graphics. The polyline is given as an ILcdPointList of which the points are specified in model coordinates. These model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPointList - the point list (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the polyline is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case one of the points of the polyline is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • drawPolygon

      void drawPolygon(ILcdPointList aPointList, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a polygon onto the given Graphics. The polygon is given as an ILcdPointList of which the points are specified in model coordinates. These model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPointList - the point list (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the polygon is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case one of the points of the polygon is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • fillPolygon

      void fillPolygon(ILcdPointList aPointList, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a filled polygon onto the given Graphics. The polygon is given as an ILcdPointList of which the points are specified in model coordinates. These model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPointList - the point list (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the polygon is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case one of the points of the polygon is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • drawArc

      void drawArc(ILcdPoint aCenter, double aA, double aB, double aRotAngle, double aStartAngle, double aArcAngle, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws an arc onto the given Graphics. The arc is specified as a segment of the circumference of an ellipse. The given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation are used to transform model coordinates to AWT coordinates.
      aCenter - the center of the ellipse (specified in model coordinates)
      aA - the semi-major axis of the ellipse
      aB - the semi-minor axis of the ellipse
      aRotAngle - the rotation angle of the major axis of the ellipse (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aStartAngle - the start angle of the arc (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aArcAngle - the span of the arc (expressed in degrees), increasing counterclockwise from the start angle
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the arc is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case the center of the ellipse and/or one of the points of the arc is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
      See Also:
    • drawArc

      void drawArc(double aCenterX, double aCenterY, double aStartX, double aStartY, double aArcAngle, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a circular arc onto the given Graphics. The circular arc is specified by the center of the circle, a point on the circumference of the circle which denotes the start point of the arc and the angle spanned by the arc. The given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation are used to transform between model coordinates and AWT coordinates.
      aCenterX - the AWT x coordinate of the center of the circle
      aCenterY - the AWT y coordinate of the center of the circle
      aStartX - the AWT x coordinate of the start point of the arc
      aStartY - the AWT y coordinate of the start point of the arc
      aArcAngle - the span of the arc (expressed in degrees), increasing counterclockwise from the start angle
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the arc is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - Some implementations may throw an exception in case one of the defining points of the circular arc and/or one of the points of the arc is outside the valid area of the transformation but this could be avoided by more advanced implementations.
    • modelDistance

      double modelDistance(double aX1, double aY1, double aX2, double aY2, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Calculates the model distance between the two given points expressed in AWT coordinates. These AWT coordinates are transformed to model coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aX1 - the x-coordinate of the first AWT point
      aY1 - the y-coordinate of the first AWT point
      aX2 - the x-coordinate of the second AWT point
      aY2 - the y-coordinate of the second AWT point
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      the distance between the two given points within the model coordinate system
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If one of the two given points is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation.
    • lineBoundsSFCT

      void lineBoundsSFCT(ILcdPoint aPoint1, ILcdPoint aPoint2, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcd2DEditableBounds aBoundsSFCT) throws TLcdNoBoundsException
      Calculates the bounding box in AWT coordinates of the line between the two given model points. The model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPoint1 - the start point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aPoint2 - the end point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aBoundsSFCT - the bounding box in AWT coordinates of the given line on completion of the method
      TLcdNoBoundsException - If the line is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation.
    • polylineBoundsSFCT

      void polylineBoundsSFCT(ILcdPointList aPointList, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcd2DEditableBounds aBoundsSFCT) throws TLcdNoBoundsException
      Calculates the bounding box in AWT coordinates of the given polyline. The polyline is given as an ILcdPointList of which the points are specified in model coordinates. These model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPointList - the point list (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aBoundsSFCT - the bounding box in AWT coordinates of the given polyline on completion of the method
      TLcdNoBoundsException - If the polyline is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation.
    • arcBoundsSFCT

      void arcBoundsSFCT(ILcdPoint aCenter, double aA, double aB, double aRotAngle, double aStartAngle, double aArcAngle, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, ILcd2DEditableBounds aBoundsSFCT) throws TLcdNoBoundsException
      Calculates the bounding box in AWT coordinates of the given arc. The arc is specified as a segment of the circumference of an ellipse. The given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation are used to transform model coordinates to AWT coordinates.
      aCenter - the center of the ellipse (specified in model coordinates)
      aA - the semi-major axis of the ellipse
      aB - the semi-minor axis of the ellipse
      aRotAngle - the rotation angle of the major axis of the ellipse (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aStartAngle - the start angle of the arc (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aArcAngle - the span of the arc (expressed in degrees), increasing counterclockwise from the start angle
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aBoundsSFCT - the bounding box in AWT coordinates of the given arc on completion of the method
      TLcdNoBoundsException - If the given arc is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation
      See Also:
    • isTouched

      boolean isTouched(ILcdPoint aPoint, double aX, double aY, int aSensitivity, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation)
      Tests if the given model point is touched by clicking at the given AWT point. This is the case when the given AWT point is within a square of size aSensitivity centered on the AWT coordinates of the given model point. These AWT coordinates are obtained from the given model coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPoint - the model point
      aX - the x-coordinate of the AWT point
      aY - the y-coordinate of the AWT point
      aSensitivity - the allowed tolerance (expressed in pixels)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      a boolean indicating whether the given model point is touched by the given AWT point
    • isLineTouched

      boolean isLineTouched(ILcdPoint aPoint1, ILcdPoint aPoint2, double aX, double aY, boolean aIncludeHotPoint, int aSensitivity, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation)
      Tests if a given line is touched by clicking at the given AWT point. The line is specified by means of two given model points. Model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation. The user can specify the allowed tolerance (aSensitivity) and whether the test should include the hot points (aIncludeHotPoint).
      aPoint1 - the start point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aPoint2 - the end point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aX - the x-coordinate of the AWT point
      aY - the y-coordinate of the AWT point
      aIncludeHotPoint - boolean indicating whether to include the hot points
      aSensitivity - the allowed tolerance (expressed in pixels)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      a boolean indicating whether the given line is touched by the given AWT point
    • isHorizontalLineTouched

      boolean isHorizontalLineTouched(ILcdPoint aPoint, double aDeltaX, double aX, double aY, boolean aIncludeHotPoint, int aSensitivity, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation)
      Tests if a given horizontal line is touched by clicking at the given AWT point. The horizontal line is specified by means of a start point (specified in model coordinates) and the amount by which the x coordinate of this point should be translated to obtain the end point. Model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation. The user can specify the allowed tolerance (aSensitivity) and whether the test should include the hot points (aIncludeHotPoint).
      aPoint - the start point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aDeltaX - the amount by which the x coordinate of the start point is translated
      aX - the x-coordinate of the AWT point
      aY - the y-coordinate of the AWT point
      aIncludeHotPoint - boolean indicating whether to include the hot points
      aSensitivity - the allowed tolerance (expressed in pixels)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      a boolean indicating whether the given line is touched by the given AWT point
    • isVerticalLineTouched

      boolean isVerticalLineTouched(ILcdPoint aPoint, double aDeltaY, double aX, double aY, boolean aIncludeHotPoint, int aSensitivity, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation)
      Tests if a given vertical line is touched by clicking at the given AWT point. The vertical line is specified by means of a start point (specified in model coordinates) and the amount by which the y coordinate of this point should be translated to obtain the end point. Model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation. The user can specify the allowed tolerance (aSensitivity) and whether the test should include the hot points (aIncludeHotPoint).
      aPoint - the start point of the line (specified in model coordinates)
      aDeltaY - the amount by which the y coordinate of the start point is translated
      aX - the x-coordinate of the AWT point
      aY - the y-coordinate of the AWT point
      aIncludeHotPoint - boolean indicating whether to include the hot points
      aSensitivity - the allowed tolerance (expressed in pixels)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      a boolean indicating whether the given line is touched by the given AWT point
    • getTouchedSegment

      int getTouchedSegment(ILcdPointList aPointList, boolean aAsPolygon, double aX, double aY, boolean aIncludeHotPoints, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation)
      Gets the index of the line segment of the given ILcdPointList which is touched by the given AWT point. If aAsPolygon equals true, the segment from the last point to the first point (the index of which equals one less than the number of points in the ILcdPointList) is taken into account as well.
      aPointList - the point list defining the line segments
      aAsPolygon - boolean indicating whether the given point list should be considered as a polygon or not (in which case it is considered as a polyline)
      aX - the x-coordinate of the AWT point
      aY - the y-coordinate of the AWT point
      aIncludeHotPoints - boolean indicating whether to include the hot points
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      the index of the touched line segment or -1 if no segment is touched
    • isArcTouched

      boolean isArcTouched(ILcdPoint aCenter, double aA, double aB, double aRotAngle, double aStartAngle, double aArcAngle, double aX, double aY, int aSensitivity, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation)
      Tests if the given arc is touched by clicking at the given AWT point taking into account the given tolerance. The arc is specified as a segment of the circumference of an ellipse. The given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation are used to transform model coordinates to AWT coordinates.
      aCenter - the center of the ellipse (specified in model coordinates)
      aA - the semi-major axis of the ellipse
      aB - the semi-minor axis of the ellipse
      aRotAngle - the rotation angle of the major axis of the ellipse (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aStartAngle - the start angle of the arc (expressed in degrees). Positive angles are measured counter-clockwise from the line at 3 o'clock.
      aArcAngle - the span of the arc (expressed in degrees), increasing counterclockwise from the start angle
      aX - the x-coordinate of the AWT point
      aY - the y-coordinate of the AWT point
      aSensitivity - the allowed tolerance (expressed in pixels)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      a boolean indicating whether the given arc is touched by the given AWT point
      See Also:
    • contains

      boolean contains(ILcdPointList aPointList, double aX, double aY, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation)
      Checks whether the given polygon encloses the given AWT point. The polygon is given as an ILcdPointList containing points specified in model coordinates. Model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPointList - the point list defining a polygon
      aX - the x-coordinate of the AWT point
      aY - the y-coordinate of the AWT point
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      a boolean indicating whether the given polygon encloses the given AWT point
    • setHotPointShape

      void setHotPointShape(int aHotPointShape)
      Sets the hot point shape.
      aHotPointShape - the hot point shape to be set (#FILLED_SQUARE, #VERTICAL_CROSS, #HORIZONTAL_CROSS, #CIRCLE, #FILLED_CIRCLE)
      See Also:
    • getHotPointShape

      int getHotPointShape()
      Gets the hot point shape currently used by this ILcdGXYPen.
      the hot point shape currently used by this ILcdGXYPen
      See Also:
    • getHotPointSize

      int getHotPointSize()
      Gets the hot point size currently used by this ILcdGXYPen. This size is half the width of the square representing a hot point.
      the hot point size currently used by this ILcdGXYPen This size is half the width of the square representing a hot point and is expressed in pixels.
      See Also:
    • setHotPointSize

      void setHotPointSize(int aHotPointSize)
      Sets the hot point size. This size is half the width of the square representing a hot point.
      aHotPointSize - the hot point size (expressed in pixels)
      See Also:
    • drawHotPoint

      void drawHotPoint(ILcdPoint aPoint, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation aModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation, Graphics aGraphics) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Draws a hot point at the given model point. The model coordinates are transformed to AWT coordinates by means of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation and ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation.
      aPoint - the position at which the hot point is drawn (specified in model coordinates)
      aModelXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between model and world coordinates
      aGXYViewXYWorldTransformation - the transformation between world and view coordinates
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the hot point is drawn
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - If the given model point is outside the valid area of the given ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation.
    • drawHotPoint

      void drawHotPoint(double aX, double aY, Graphics aGraphics)
      Draws a hot point at the given AWT point.
      aX - the AWT x coordinate of the position at which the hot point is drawn
      aY - the AWT y coordinate of the position at which the hot point is drawn
      aGraphics - the Graphics onto which the hot point is drawn
    • clone

      Object clone()