Interface ILcdMap<K,V>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdHashMap, TLcdKML22Parameters

public interface ILcdMap<K,V> extends Map<K,V>

An extension of the Java Map which fires an TLcdMapEvent for every entry that is added to or removed from the map.

Due to those events, there is a decrease in performance compared to the traditional Map when adding and/or removing multiple entries at once (e.g. Map.putAll(java.util.Map) or Map.clear() ). For every entry that is added or removed, those methods should fire an individual event.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addMapListener

      void addMapListener(ILcdMapListener<K,V> aMapListener)

      Register the listener aMapListener to be informed about changes in this map.

      aMapListener - the listener
      See Also:
    • removeMapListener

      void removeMapListener(ILcdMapListener<K,V> aMapListener)

      Unregister the listener aMapListener so it will no longer be informed about changes in this map.

      This method should do nothing when addMapListener was not registered previously.

      aMapListener - the listener
      See Also: