Class TLcdGridReferenceUtil

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TLcdGridReferenceUtil extends Object
Utility class to transform between grid coordinates and lon-lat coordinates that use the same geodetic datum. Note: it is advised to use the transformation API instead of this class to transform between references. See for example:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGridReferenceUtil

      public TLcdGridReferenceUtil()
      Constructor of null ILcdGridReference.
    • TLcdGridReferenceUtil

      public TLcdGridReferenceUtil(ILcdGridReference aGridReference)
      Constructor of TLcdGridReferenceUtil with a given ILcdGridReference aModelRefGrid.
      aGridReference - the grid reference to use.
  • Method Details

    • getGridReference

      public ILcdGridReference getGridReference()
      Gets the ILcdGridReference of this TLcdGridReferenceUtil.
      the ILcdGridReference of this TLcdGridReferenceUtil.
      See Also:
    • setGridReference

      public void setGridReference(ILcdGridReference aGridReference)
      Sets the ILcdGridReference of this TLcdGridReferenceUtil to aGridReference.
      aGridReference - the new grid reference system to be used.
      See Also:
    • setModelRefGrid

      public void setModelRefGrid(ILcdGridReference aGridReference)
      Replaced by the method setGridReference since V 3.0.
      Sets the ILcdGridReference of TLcdGridReferenceUtil to aModelRefGrid.
      aGridReference - the new grid reference system to be used.
      See Also:
    • getModelRefGrid

      public ILcdGridReference getModelRefGrid()
      Replaced by the method getGridReference since V 3.0.
      Gets the ILcdGridReference of the TLcdGridReferenceUtil.
      the ILcdGridReference of the TLcdGridReferenceUtil.
      See Also:
    • grid2worldSFCT

      public void grid2worldSFCT(double aX, double aY, ILcd2DEditablePoint a2DEditablePointSFCT)
      Transformation of a grid coordinate to a world coordinate.
      aX - the x-value of the grid coordinate.
      aY - the y-value of the grid coordinate.
      a2DEditablePointSFCT - the resulting world coordinate as side effect.
    • world2gridSFCT

      public void world2gridSFCT(ILcdPoint aWorldPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint aXYPointSFCT)
      Transformation of a world coordinate to a grid coordinate.
      aWorldPoint - a world coordinate.
      aXYPointSFCT - the resulting grid coordinate as side effect.
    • grid2lonlatSFCT

      public void grid2lonlatSFCT(double aX, double aY, ILcd2DEditablePoint a2DEditablePointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Transformation of a grid coordinate to a lonLatHeight coordinate.
      aX - the x-value of the grid coordinate.
      aY - the y-value of the grid coordinate.
      a2DEditablePointSFCT - the resulting geodetic coordinate on the ellipsoid of the grid reference as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - The grid point (aX,aY) is outside the valid area of the projection.
    • grid2lonlatSFCT

      public void grid2lonlatSFCT(ILcdPoint aXYPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint a2DEditablePointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Transformation of a grid coordinate to a lonLatHeight coordinate.
      aXYPoint - a grid coordinate.
      a2DEditablePointSFCT - the resulting geodetic coordinate on the ellipsoid of the grid reference as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - The grid point (aX,aY) is outside the valid area of the projection.
    • lonlat2gridSFCT

      public void lonlat2gridSFCT(double aLon, double aLat, ILcd2DEditablePoint aXYPointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Transformation of a lon-lat coordinate to a grid coordinate.
      aLon - longitude of the geodetic coordinate (in degrees).
      aLat - latitude of the geodetic coordinate (in degrees).
      aXYPointSFCT - the resulting grid coordinate as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - The lon-lat point (aLon,aLat) is outside the valid area of the projection.
    • lonlatheight2gridSFCT

      public void lonlatheight2gridSFCT(ILcdPoint aLLHPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint aXYPointSFCT) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Transformation of a lon-lat coordinate to a grid coordinate.
      aLLHPoint - a geodetic coordinate.
      aXYPointSFCT - the resulting grid coordinate as side effect.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - The lon-lat point (aLon,aLat) is outside the valid area of the projection.