Interface ILcdLOSCoverage

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public interface ILcdLOSCoverage extends Cloneable
Defines a circular area around a center point, used as input for line-of-sight computations. It represents the area in an arc, starting from a start angle and extending over an arc angle, and contained within a maximum radius. It also defines a radial and angular discretization step size. It requires the following information:
  • The center point (ILcdPoint) around which the area is covered.
  • The center point reference (ILcdGeoReference) in which the center point is defined.
  • The altitude of the center point.
  • The altitude mode in which the altitude of the center point should be interpreted..
  • The maximum radial extent of the coverage, defined in meters.
  • The radius step size to define a radial discretization, defined in meters.
  • The start angle of the coverage, defined in degrees.
  • The arc angle of the coverage, defined in degrees.
  • The angle step size to define an angular discretization, defined in degrees.

These properties are explained further in the following image:

Line-of-sight coverage parameters
  • Method Details

    • getAngleArc

      double getAngleArc()
      Returns the arc angle of this coverage, defined in degrees.
      the arc angle of this coverage, defined in degrees.
    • getAngleStart

      double getAngleStart()
      Returns the start angle of this coverage, defined in degrees.
      the start angle of this coverage, defined in degrees.
    • getAngleStep

      double getAngleStep()
      Returns the angle step of this coverage, defined in degrees.
      the angle step of this coverage, defined in degrees.
    • getCenterPoint

      ILcdPoint getCenterPoint()
      Returns the center point of this coverage.
      the center point of this coverage.
    • getCenterPointAltitudeMode

      TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode getCenterPointAltitudeMode()
      Returns the altitude mode in which the altitude of the center point should be interpreted.
      the altitude mode in which the altitude of the center point should be interpreted.
    • getCenterPointAltitude

      double getCenterPointAltitude()
      Returns the altitude of the center point, defined by the getCenterPointAltitudeMode().
      the altitude of the center point, defined by the getCenterPointAltitudeMode().
    • getCenterPointReference

      ILcdGeoReference getCenterPointReference()
      Returns the center point reference of this coverage.
      the center point reference of this coverage.
    • getRadiusMax

      double getRadiusMax()
      Returns the maximum radial extent of this coverage, defined in meters.
      the maximum radial extent of this coverage, defined in meters.
    • getRadiusStep

      double getRadiusStep()
      Returns the radius step of this coverage, defined in meters. For coverages with nonuniform radius steps, use getRadiusStep(int).
      the radius step of this coverage, defined in meters.
      See Also:
    • getRadiusStep

      default double getRadiusStep(int aIndex)
      Returns the radius step of this coverage, defined in meters, at the given index. A step at index i refers to the step size between radius sample distance i and i + 1. If this coverage was created with regular, uniform sampling the radius step is the same for all indices.
      aIndex - the index
      the radius step of this coverage, defined in meters, at the given index.
    • getRadiusSampleDistance

      default double getRadiusSampleDistance(int aIndex)
      Returns the distance in meters from center at which sample with index aIndex was taken.
      aIndex - the index
      distance in meters from center at which sample with index aIndex was taken.
    • clone

      Making the clone method available for all other classes. All implementations of this interface should support the clone method. This means that this method should never throw a CloneNotSupportedException.
      a clone of this instance.