Class TLcdUPSGrid

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdExtendedModelReference, ILcdModelReference, ILcdGeoReference, ILcdGridReference, ILcdCloneable, ILcdXYWorldReference, ILcdXYZWorldReference, Serializable, Cloneable

public class TLcdUPSGrid extends TLcdGridReference
This ILcdGridReference represents a UPS grid reference. It is characterized by a boolean flag northPole, which specifies the pole.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdUPSGrid

      public TLcdUPSGrid()
      Creates a new TLcdUPSGrid for the North pole.
    • TLcdUPSGrid

      public TLcdUPSGrid(boolean aNorthPole)
      Creates a new TLcdUPSGrid for the given pole.
      aNorthPole - specifies the North pole, if true, or the South pole, if false.
  • Method Details

    • isNorthPole

      public boolean isNorthPole()
      Returns whether the UPS zone is defined for the North pole, if true, or for the South pole, if false.
      whether the UPS zone is defined for the North pole, if true, or for the South pole, if false.
    • setNorthPole

      public void setNorthPole(boolean aNorthPole)
      Sets the pole of the UPS zone.
      aNorthPole - specifies the North pole, if true, or the South pole, if false.
    • setFalseEasting

      public void setFalseEasting(double aFalseEasting)
      Description copied from class: TLcdGridReference
      Sets the falseEasting of the TLcdGridReference to aFalseEasting.
      setFalseEasting in class TLcdGridReference
      aFalseEasting - the new false easting value for this reference (defined in the unit of measure of this reference).
      See Also:
    • setFalseNorthing

      public void setFalseNorthing(double aFalseNorthing)
      Description copied from class: TLcdGridReference
      Sets the falseNorthing of the TLcdGridReference to aFalseNorthing.
      setFalseNorthing in class TLcdGridReference
      aFalseNorthing - the new false northing value for this reference (defined in the unit of measure of this reference).
      See Also:
    • setScale

      public void setScale(double aScale)
      Description copied from class: TLcdGridReference
      Sets the scale of the TLcdGridReference to aScale.
      setScale in class TLcdGridReference
      aScale - the new scale value for this reference.
      See Also:
    • setUnitOfMeasure

      public void setUnitOfMeasure(double aUnitOfMeasure)
      Description copied from class: TLcdGridReference
      Sets the UnitOfMeasure of the TLcdGridReference to aUnitOfMeasure.
      setUnitOfMeasure in class TLcdGridReference
      aUnitOfMeasure - the new unitOfMeasure of this ILcdGridReference w.r.t. meters.
      See Also:
    • setRotation

      public void setRotation(double aRotation)
      Description copied from class: TLcdGridReference
      Sets the rotation of this ILcdGridReference in radians, clockwise. The center of the rotation is the origin of the map projection.
      setRotation in class TLcdGridReference
      aRotation - the new rotation value for this reference.
      See Also:
    • loadProperties

      public void loadProperties(String aPrefix, Properties aProperties) throws IllegalArgumentException
      This method will retrieve the properties of this TLcdUPSGrid, based on the given Properties object and the given prefix. The values of following optional keys are retrieved:
      • <aPrefix>.TLcdUPSGrid.northPole: true or false (default = true).
      By default the geodetic datum will be WGS 84. However, one can optionally set a different geodetic datum by adding entries which will be analyzed by the TLcdGeodeticDatumFactory. The keys of those entries should begin with '<aPrefix>.TLcdUPSGrid.geodeticDatum.'.
      Specified by:
      loadProperties in interface ILcdModelReference
      loadProperties in class TLcdGridReference
      aPrefix - a common prefix for all property names that are read.
      aProperties - the properties to be parsed.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the model reference cannot be constructed from the properties.
      See Also:
    • writePropertiesSFCT

      public void writePropertiesSFCT(String aPrefix, Properties aPropertiesSFCT) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: ILcdModelReference
      Stores the properties that define this model reference into the specified Properties object as a side effect. Each particular implementation of this interface can define which properties it stores.
      Specified by:
      writePropertiesSFCT in interface ILcdModelReference
      writePropertiesSFCT in class TLcdGridReference
      aPrefix - a common prefix for all property names written.
      aPropertiesSFCT - the properties that will contain the serialized properties for this model reference, as a side effect.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the model reference cannot be serialized into properties.
      See Also:
    • getName

      public String getName()
      getName in class ALcdGeoReference