Class TLcdTimeFilteredSimulatorModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdSimulatorModel, ILcdPropertyChangeSource

public class TLcdTimeFilteredSimulatorModel extends Object implements ILcdSimulatorModel

Decorator for an ILcdSimulatorModel which allows to limit the exposed available time interval of the ILcdSimulatorModel.

Graphically, it can be seen as (where I stands for the inner ILcdSimulatorModel and O for the outer):

   |            |               |                |                    |
   | -----------|---------------|----------------|--------------------|
   |            |               |                |                    |
 I#getBeginDate             I#getDate                              I#getEndDate
         O#getBeginDate     O#getDate        O#getEndDate

The setFilterBeginDate and setFilterEndDate methods allow to specify where the begin date and end date of this ILcdSimulatorModel are located. They must be in the valid interval of the inner simulator model, or they will be adjusted when invalid.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdTimeFilteredSimulatorModel

      public TLcdTimeFilteredSimulatorModel()
  • Method Details